Of Food Chains and Fools

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Trololololo... What's up all you sick and twisted people!


:P :D ;) O.O :$



A week later:

' Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! '

' Turn off your *blanking* alarm!' Shelby used extensively colorful vocabulary today which I decided to leave out.

I once again rolled out of the warm bed and hit the cold floor with a thud. After jumping up from the floor I found my glasses to be inches from where I landed.

'Gotta be more careful with those.' I muttered sleepily while closing the open window.

Walking over to my dresser horrifying realization hit me, first day of school, crap.

Making the sound of a dying animal in the back of my throat I grabbed a black tank top that had the guns and roses logo. Also grabbing a pair of tan, worn cargo shorts. The weather forecast called for a sunny day with a high of 72°, which was amazing for Anchorage, so I was dressing light.

Walking in to the bathroom to brush my teeth I glanced at the mirror. My sports glasses were thick and black giving the illusion that I was wearing goggles. My dark brown, medium length hair had a natural waviness towards the bottom but since I was going into the sixth grade I obviously didn't brush it. Towards the top I had side swept bangs that covered my left eyebrow and sometimes fell in front of my left dark blue grey eye. I had a strong jaw line and a diamond shaped face that gave me an intimidating look when I glared.

Never doing much to help my appearance, never wearing make up, and didn't know how to make a proper braid. I was a sorry excuse for a girl. Really all I ever did was brush my hair, where studs in my ears, or put my hair in a tight sports ponytail.

That was me, the tomboy who didn't care about her appearance. And I liked it that way.

I ran down the hall and out of the front door only stopping to grab my Adidas gym bag which I substituted as a backpack and a banana for breakfast. After learning the hard way, Shelby finally decided to schedule me for bus rides to and from school.

After successfully running two blocks and illegally j-walking across the highway I made it to the public bus stop where the bus was already loading kids.

As soon as I boarded the bus the small of teenage BO, drugs, food, and leather assaulted me. Breathing deep I smiled, ah this is home, in my element. Though being the last one on board gave me only a few options for seating. I chose a seat next to a boy obviously a couple years older than me. He had black hair that was styled into a short mohawk, tanned skin and brown eyes. His attire suggested that he was a punk but his cocky smile said he was friendly enough.

As the ride to school progressed I noticed that the boy I sat next to us pretty cool, his name was Axle. We had a lot in common, we loved cars, motorcycles, punk rock and classic rocking rap music. He had a strong but silent aura about him. He told me that he was going into the eighth-grade while I would be going into sixth, you could tell that he was older due to his cracked voice of puberty, and his tall 5' 9" stretched frame. I can comfortably say that I made a new friend. But the best part about the bus ride was figuring out that we went to the same school.

Romig middle school


'Dude I won't be all alone. ' I exclaimed. Yay I won't be all alone. I fist pumped the air.

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