seven: Rafael Sanchez

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I woke up with a painful back and a grumbling stomach. The noise outside made my head hurt. And it was not because of the mattress of the bed on my back that made the atmosphere humid, it was the surroundings itself. When I opened my eyes, the room I was in was worse than what I had before. The place is made of light materials, thin sheets of corrugated roofs put together as the outside covering and crumbling and creaking pieces of plywood as floors, dividers and walls. It was a pathetic excuse for a house.

There was a window beside from where I woke up, which was an old wooden bed frame. Instead of a mattress, it was covered by pieces of carton boxes and a thin blanket. I stood up from the bed and looked out at the window. I was on top of a lot of houses stacked on top of each other which was eating away the slope of a mountain. When I looked down, I saw that the alleyways were so cramped that only one person or a person riding a bicycle could only fit in there. The houses were so close to each other that if I lazily jump from this window, I would land into somebody's roof or porch easily. This is definitely not in America.

I walked around the small cramped room and I saw a small, cracked mirror just enough to see your whole face. The man has light brown complexion, tall nose, defined cheekbones and droopy eyes with eye bags (maybe he was always fatigued or suffers insomnia). He has a raven black hair and numerous scars on his face; some are still dressed with band-aids. He looks like he's not just an ordinary poor guy. Maybe he was a thug or something.

I walked back a little and I saw that his body is so skinny that might as well be called malnourished. It was also full of different kinds of scars and some are burns. Some are still fresh that it stings when I touch it. Definitely not just an ordinary urban poor guy.

 Definitely not just an ordinary urban poor guy

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Suddenly, the door behind me was forced open that made me flinch and turn around instantly. Two young girls wearing old, faded and oversized shirts ran towards me and hugged my waist, which was the only body part they could reach. They looked so malnourished that when I hugged them, it was as if I was hugging two skeletons wearing shirts that basically hanged from their body. Poverty was more serious than I thought.

Sam, this is Phineas, Allian's partner. Ya know, the American? I'm just going to... yeah. Since his ID was nowhere to be found, it was hard to look into his real identity because he kept using aliases to run away from his debts. His real name is Rafael Sanchez but sometimes he goes with Rodrigo Perez or Luis Mendoza. Rodrigo Perez when he makes a deal and Luis Mendoza when in government premises. You're in the favelas of Brazil and that exact part where you're living is just beside the biggest drug den in the biggest drug cartel in the world. Rafael is a good guy but he's being hunted because as I've said, he owed over $100,000 from the big guy that leads the cartel. And remember that most of the police officers there are associated with him so better be careful.

$100,000? Isn't that convenient that I also need $100,000 right now? And where did all of that money go? What did he do with it?

His mother was in the hospital for more than 3 months then died just a year ago. He can't find a decent job because he didn't have the knowledge nor the skills for a decent paying job there in Brazil. The $5,000 that was left from the money he owed went to his family's daily needs. His wife is working in a brothel just to help him earn money for their family. She rarely comes home so their children were a lot closer to him than their mother.

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