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SONG: TWENTY ONE PILOTS - DOUBT__________________________

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🌻 A V E N T I U S 🌻

Both Lana and Lucas circled around the Kludde, looking for the right time to attack. The Kludde wasn't some normal dog or wolf you could rush in. The Kludde was a trickster, and been around long enough to know when to, and not to attack.

"Are you ready for your throat to get ripped out." The Kludde snarled as he show his uneven sharp teeth.

"The only person dying here is you." Lana said smugly.

Just as she was about to attack, someone came yelling like a mad man.

"Don't attack! Don't attack! Those are Crystals kids!" Man said running.

"Crystal kids?" Kludde said before turning into a man, a beautiful naked one at that.

"Crystal kids?" Kludde said before turning into a man, a beautiful naked one at that

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"Damn daddy." Brandi said smirking.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you guys were Crystals kids." The man said bowing.

"Aunty Crystal had only one kid, and that Lana." Lily said confused.

"No, Crystal had a boy and a girl." The Kludde said making everyone turn to each other with confused looks.

"Let me go get dressed, I'll be right back." He said walking into Motel room 106.

"If you follow me this way I could get you guys something to drink and eat." A big guys said.

"I'm down, I'm hungry." Simone said before she quickly followed behind the man.

Everyone followed behind them, the question still running through there heads.

Lucas and Lana were brother and sister, NOT cousins.


"How did you know my mom?" Lana asked.

"Well, when she ran away from your pops. She stayed here with me. She was in my Home Ech class and we were project partners at one time." Now known as Alex said.

"I went to almost every doctors appointment with your mom. The last time I went with her was when she was in the ending of her second trimester and she wanted know the gender. But little did we know that we was about to get an extra surprise." Alex said taking a sip from his beer.

"So you telling me that my–our mom was pregnant with the both of us? How come we're both different ages?" Lana asked confused.

"You both are 19. Your birthday is July 13, 1998." Alex said.

"Wait, this doesn't make any sense." Lucas finally said.

"I don't know what Crystal and your family did, but what I just told you was the truth." Alex said leaning in. "Now, it was nice talking to ya' but I got to go patrol." Alex said before getting up.

"Wait! We need to get to the road." Lana said.

"We'll grab your things and let's go." He said before walking away.

"You guys, lets go." Lana said as she walked pass them.


"Thank you so much for helping Alex." Lana said getting into the truck.

"Your welcome, and call me uncle." Alex said smiling, which Lana returned.

Just when Lana was about to get in the car, Alex stopped her.

"Theirs word going around town that someone is looking for the strongest of the Wiccan species to join them. Lana, I know you hold the power of your ancestors and I know they'll come after you so keep safe." Alex said in a serious tone.

"I will, uncle Alex." Lana smiled before fully getting into the car and closing the door.

Yeah, they were finally on the road on their way to their family, but Lana knew their was goin to be drama when they got there.

This was supposed to upload with the last chapter but wattpad acts retarded :)

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