_____((Judging Criteria)) 👓📖〰

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Judges! Do take a look at this to know about how much and what aspects you will be scoring on. Participants may take a look too in order to know which aspect you should pay more heed to bring in attraction point.

Book Title:


Division & Category:


Title: [--/5]

Was the title intriguing and unique? Did it succeed to arouse a feeling of curiosity in your mind the moment you took a look at it? Did it succeed to hint about the plot of the story even if being just a few or a single word? Score accordingly.

Book Cover: [--/5]

Not everyone is good with making covers but, the book must own at least a decent cover as its attire, with a title and the name of the author on the surface. And of course, not using any picture as the cover which is off topic of the story plot.

Description: [--/5]

The description is verily, what that gives a clue on how the story is. Did it fascinate you enough and compelled you to click on the 'read' option to read it instant? Did it give enough hint regarding how the plot will be?

Story Plot: [--/10]

Was the storyline well thought out and able to fall in the list of unique ones? Did you see the author's brain and effort in making of the plot and how it headed with playful twists and hooks? Did it follow all the rules that an entered book had to?

Characters & Dialogue: [--/10]

Were the characters realistic enough to make the reader visualize them properly? Did they stand out being sliced out from real life, were their dialogues easy flowed, their behaviors, were they like the usual people in real life?

Story Pacing: [--/10]

Another important fact of the story, its pacing. How many chapters did you have to read to come and fall under the hook? Were the cliffhangers on perfect place and worth it? Did the author spend way too many chapters to write down just a simple random incident that was not the center of the story plot? However, if the author just skipped some descriptions saying that he/she was too tired/lazy to describe and telling the readers to imagine it on their own (some does, I have seen it quite a few times), don't pity. Cut down the much marks you want to, can even give a 0/10. If you don't see the shade of effort in the piece of work, never ever let yourself sympathetically give a single mark on that.

Grammar: [--/10]

Were there any spelling or grammatical mistake that caught your eyes? There are a lot of authors who don't have English as their first language, but you will understand if they were putting their effort into erasing their mistake from the way they wrote. Give your mark on that.

Writing/Description Style: [--/10]

Did the writing style leave you awed and made you feel immobile colossal emotions inside? Was the writing quality able enough to let you see through the eyes of the character, see his or her surroundings and what he/she had been going through. Did you feel butterflies in your stomach when the characters did, did you feel tension or sorrow when the character was getting, did the thoughts of the author hit you too through the way he/she wrote? Put your mark on impeccability.

Followed the judges?:

If no, cut down 5 marks from the overall score and mention too that you have done it. Be sure to check properly if they have followed you before you cut down. Don't be biased deliberately cutting down even if after they have followed you on self purpose. I have my eyes all around and so, I will be checking >>>

Note: If they unfollow you later on, inform me and I will be taking actions.

Overall: --/65

** Follow the Format in sending your scores.

**Please make sure to read at least first five chapters to make the accurate score. Also, provide a few lines on why you gave the certain score.

**I will provide a certain deadline right with the beginning of each category judging. Judges must complete the books within the deadline.

**I will be making attendance checks of each category's primary judges right before when the respective category will be at the verge of getting filled up. If any judge fails to do his or her attendance check, I can't but eliminate them from the judge list and look for someone else for the slot.

** Pm me the scores in this account and better don't send messy score chart. You can send me the books' scores in more than one message, but the overall score of a single book must remain in one message.

With that, I will stop here.

Arigato and tutu!!!



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