Help: We Want Justice

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Perhaps some of you don't know about the current world news, so,

(check out the BBC News provided with link below)

I, not just as an ARMY, or even as a Kpop fan, but as a human, is here to stand for what I think is right.

Remember the US high school shooting incident, where innocent student lives were taken away with some bullets, the situation going on in Bangladesh right now is no less than that.

. I highly request you to read it .

A few days ago, in the capital city of the country, Dhaka, two college students died by dangerous racing of two bus drivers on street. They were standing under a tree, not even near the street, the bus lost its control and ran over them like they were nothing then tried to run away. 5 more died while admitted in the hospital.

Now, hear the next incident that had happened.
One of the ministers of the country who is in charge of road transportation stated in a conference that, in India, 33 people died in a recent road accident. They didn't say anything about that. Why are the PEOPLE around making a great DEAL about it?
Believe me, when that man said those words-

 Why are the PEOPLE around making a great DEAL about it?Believe me, when that man said those words-

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He had this smile on his face...!

(So he means people should present at least 33 dead men now so that they can get justice??!! Counted or uncounted, more people die than that number every day.)

Do you know what the students did the next day?

Do you know what the students did the next day?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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