Result Notice

147 16 0


Hope you guys are all fit and fine. I heavily apologize for making a delay for this. A few of the judges required an extension of time period for judging. In addition, my recent schedule has been so hectic, I am unable to spend time on Wattpad anymore like I used to.

But even so, we're finally here! *drum sounds*

The result will be getting up very soon in a few days or so. I have created another book for declaring the winners and participants' scores. Click on the icon of this account then go to the other book published, read the first chapter and then add the book to your private reading list in order to get notified whenever I publish any result ^^.

Everything else whatever is mentioned in that first chapter of the book.

I will take my leave from here.


Lenox ~


Euphoria BTS Awards 2018 [Closed for Judging]Where stories live. Discover now