NOTICE: Secondary Judging

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The primary judging of both Wonder and Her division has ended a few days ago. The rankings have been accomplished, in addition, the primary category winners are already selected.

There have been some delaying issues regarding sending of the scores by the judges of Namjoon category. I don't want to disturb anyone. Therefore, I will be finishing off the category books and score accordingly myself. It will take a week or so, but yet.

It took me a few days to compile all the scores, for this reason, there was a little delay in the start of the secondary judging period, as, it was supposed to start on 3rd July.

The secondary judging period is going to end on 13 August 2018. Participants are requested to follow or at least keep an eye on this account around that time because since I am planning to declare all the primary winners and overall winners at one time, I will be publishing a new book containing the winners.

Reviews will be sent to everyone alongside at that time.

Until then,


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