Lucifer x Seme!Male!Reader

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Hey, nice request from KarolienDLucMarcx, I couldn't stop writing hehe. Anyway, enough talking, enjoy the shot!

3rd POV

Lucifer was sitting bored on the bench. He was currently at on the Earth and he didn't have anything good to do. He scared some people, killed some angels and now he wallowed in his boredom.

-Where are Winchesters when they are needed? – he whined.

He didn't miss Sam or Dean, they were useless to him. He was thinking about Y/n, the oldest of the brothers. He was cheerful, always knew what to say and in fact he was the only human in the whole world who tried to understand him. One time they were locked up together and Y/n started talking to Lucifer. At first Lucifer ignored him or tried to intimidate him, but it was all in vain. Lucifer found himself answering his questions, and he had to admit the conversations with the oldest Winchester brought him some relief. His chest felt lighter with every secret he spilled to Y/n. Then they managed to escape and Y/n went back to his brothers.

Lucifer shook his head at the memories. He knew the feeling that flew to him whenever he thought of him. He loved this human. He wanted to loathe him, but he couldn't. Lucifer stood up and flew to the bunker. He appeared in Y/n's room. Lucifer didn't want to move, he was scared he would wake him up. Lucifer stared at his peaceful face. He smiled to himself as he kept staring at him.

The Winchester instincts woke Y/n up. He grabbed the knife from under his pillow and slammed Lucifer against the wall. He put the knife to his throat.

-Easy there sexy. – smirked Lucifer. – I know you have hots for me but you don't have to jump on me like that. You could just ask.

Y/n rolled his eyes and let go of him.

-Say what you want. – said Y/n. – But I'd like to point out the fact that it was you who sneaked in my room.

-I missed my cuddle buddy. – sad Lucifer and sat down on Y/n's bed.

-Yeah, long time no spooning, huh?

Lucifer chuckled but then frowned.

-I missed our chats you know? The only moments we see each other now are when your brothers try to kill me. You were the only one who heard me out. Even my father didn't gave me the chance to talk to him normally. Why did you do it?

-I believe everyone deserves a chance, but not everyone deserve a second chance. – he answered and sat down next to Lucifer. – I prefer to ask questions first and kill later. That's something Dean couldn't understand for a long time.

Suddenly someone started banging on the door. It was Dean, he was yelling for him to open up. Soon Sam joined him and Castiel appeared in Y/'s room.

-What does he doing here?! – barked Cas and took his angel blade out. Y/n stood up quickly and stopped him from attacking. Cas opened the door and let the boys in. Dean and Sam immediately and tried to attack Lucifer.

-Calm the fuck down all of you! – yelled Y/n. He didn't yell much, so it was shocking for all of them when he did. – Who gave you the damn right to barge in here like that?!

-Cas felt there was an angel here! – barked Dean. – And here I see my brother hanging out with a devil!

-I don't said a single thing when you were a damn demon, I didn't say anything when Sammy was hooked up on demon blood. So shut the hell up and don't ever dare breathe too loud. Sammy is banging Gabriel, it's fine, you bang Cas, it's awesome.

-I love Cas, so it's normal I do...things with him. – he said blushing a bit.

-And I love Lucifer damn it! And by the way, he's an angel not a demon. – said Y/n walking up to Dean. He was a bit taller than his younger brother. Then he continued talking in calmer tone. – All my life I did everything to make you and Sammy happy. I was giving up on many things for both of you. So please, this one time, let me be happy with someone I love. I deserve it Dean.

Dean looked shocked for a moment before he thought of his brother's words. Y/n was three years older than Dean, and he was their father's first soldier. Y/n taught both of them to fight and shoot, so John would think they had some sort of talent and he wouldn't punish them for mistakes like he did to him. Sometimes, like when Y/n had to give up his first relationship, Dean thought Y/n would hate him and Sam. After all he had to move out with them quickly before John got back from the hunting trip and some vampire was chasing after them. But he never said or showed them he wasn't pleased with his life, or that he hated his brothers. Dean looked up to him for all his life, more than to John.

-Yes, you do deserve it. – said Dean and hugged Y/n tight. Y/n motioned for Sam to join the hug, and he gladly accepted the invitation.

-I know it would be hard for you to accept Lucifer, but I want you to at least try. We have the roof over our heads, we have someone to love and we have each other. We don't have to run anymore. Let's take every chance to be happy boys.

They nodded and hugged for some more. Cas was confused and contemplated if he could attack Lucifer or not.

-Aww what a cute picture. – cooed Lucifer. – I'm so touched.

Y/n smirked and let go of his brothers. He walked up to Lucifer and whispered in his ear.

-I can get you even more touched. – he purred. – And I can't guarantee you will be able to sit tomorrow.

-I heal quickly. – smirked Lucifer.

-I'll test if you heal quick enough.

-Get a room you two! – whined Sam.

-We are in my room, so get the hell out.

-One more thing. – said Dean. – If you hurt my brother I will drag you to the dungeon and skin you to your grace, then I will boil you in the holly water. Clear?

-Aww you're trying to be scary. – said Lucifer. – But you don't have to worry. I love him more that I loved father.

With that Cas, Dean and Sam left the room.

Time skip

The next day Sam was making breakfast. Dean was munching on the bacon, while Cas was eating a hamburger that left from the day before. Y/n walked in the kitchen with Lucifer in his arms. He helped him sit down.

-Morning boys. – he said. They responded with 'good mornings' and Y/n decided to help Sam with the breakfast.

-You were so damn loud last night. – said Dean more to tease Lucifer than to state the fact. Lucifer blushed and looked away. – How do you feel Lucifer.

-That's so sweet for you to care. – he answered. – Healing the stretching of my ass was a piece of cake, but overworked legs are a different story.

-Told you I can't guarantee you'll be walking after a night with me. – said Y/n smirking as he served the breakfast.

One shots vol.III (Seme male reader x Varous)Where stories live. Discover now