Jealous!Sakamaki brothers x SMR x Mukami brothers

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Welcome to the last update in this volume of one shots. This is going to be a double update. The story below was requested by RedDragonEmperor1. Sorry I made you wait so long. Enjoy!

3rd POV

Y/n was a mate of the Sakamaki brothers. He couldn't pick one, he found something adorable in every single one of them So he accepted all of them. They got a huge bed, so they could all sleep together. Y/n managed to even make the arguments between them much rarer.

The Sakamaki brothers were getting possessive over Y/n a lot. He was a real bed rocker and none of them wanted to share him with someone else than each other. The Mukami brothers were considered the biggest threat. They were all over Y/n, even though he belonged to Sakamakis.

-I's like they want to take him away from us. – said Laito.

-Let's fight them! – yelled Ayato and took a step forward, but he was stopped by Reiji.

-Calm down. – he said. – We shouldn't bring unneeded attention.

-And I agree with Ayato. – Shu joined in the conversation.

Only Subaru and Kanato didn't say a word. They trusted Y/n and they believed him when he said they had nothing to worry about. Y/n always rejected Mukamis and their advances towards him. Y/n was happy with his mates and he didn't need anyone else. The rest of the Sakamakis were glaring at the Mukami brothers. Y/n walked from behind and joined them at the table.

-Hello boys. – he smiled and immediately got their attention. – Glaring at the Mukamis again? I have to count it as your new hobby.

-They are flirting with you! – said Ayato.

-But I don't flirt back. – he smirked.- Being angry isn't good for your beauty boys.

-How a guy can be beautiful? – asked Shu bored.

-Look at the six of you and you will know the answer.

Time skip

The Sakamaki brothers were making sure Y/n was always with one of them. This way the Mukami brothers couldn't get to him. They were stalking Y/n for all day, and making sure he didn't notice wasn't easy. They were finally getting home from school. The ride soon came to an end and they went in the mansion.

-Baby boys, I have to punish all of you. – said Y/n with a smirk on his face.

-What did we do? – asked Kanato.

-Did you really think that I wouldn't notice you stalking me? – he walked up to them. – Do I have to remind you I was trained by the best in tracking? How many times do I have to tell you that I want only you and I don't care for anyone else, including that damn Mukami brothers. Should I really fuck you so hard you wouldn't even dare to think I could be with someone else than you?

-Y-yes Master. – they shuttered in unison.

-Bedroom! – hollered Y/n. – Now!

Sakamakis shuttered and ran to their shared bedroom.

Time skip

Y/n was panting hard as he pulled his cock out of Laito's ass. They were all sleeping soundly after a night full of moans, grunts and hard thrusts. Y/n was a beast in bed, satisfying his six mated was not a problem for him. He went in the bathroom to take a quick shower and when he came back he crawled on the bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep with his mates.

Next morning all the Sakamaki brothers were sore. They were limping around the house making Y/n smirk. He was cooking breakfast, as he was the only one who could move without any trouble. He served the food and called out to them. They went in the dining room slowly wincing in pain, especially when they were sitting down on the chairs.

-My poor baby boys, did I went too hard on you last night? – he asked smirking. – I warned you, didn't I? – they nodded in response. – Will you remember that I love you and you only? – they nodded again, smiling this time.

Y/n smiled back and motioned for them to start eating. They all took the food in their mouths and hummed at the taste. Y/n liked cooking and he was quite good at this. He was good at many things to be honest. And with everything he did, he made sure his mates felt they were feeling special and they never felt that their relationship could be threatened with anything. Including the Mukami brothers.

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