Chapter 2

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Tapping my feet on the ground as I held on to the can of soda in my hands made me look a lot less worried than I was

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Tapping my feet on the ground as I held on to the can of soda in my hands made me look a lot less worried than I was. I was in the cafeteria in the sub building, and instead of eating the food I had in front of me my eyes were darting back and forth — watching as Advik and his group of friends moved through the line for food. There was a new person with them — Grace Miller. It's been a few days since I found out that she was at my university, and since then it's like my eyes have been prepositioned to find her in the crowd. Since that day, I've been seeing her everywhere, in the library, while walking to class, hanging around my residence. She was everywhere.

I was starting to wonder if she could recognize me because even though I turned into a shaking mess around her she didn't budge or react. I've changed a lot since high school, so it wasn't a stretch to assume that was the case. But then again, I was paranoid. Maybe she was doing this on purpose to get a reaction out of me. I wouldn't put it past Grace, she could be very sadistic.

My eyes went wide, and I turned my eyes to my phone when I heard it ring. The noise had brought me out of my daze, and I was back to the noisy cafeteria instead of staring at Grace Miller as my heart beat in my ears.

Message from: George.

Hey, I just wanted to check if you were doing alright.

Thursday, 2:03 PM.

I smiled down at the message, typing up my reply quickly. George has been nice regarding how I've been feeling lately. He would help me with carrying stuff, and he would cover for me, so that I could have breaks in-between. I felt like a burden because of it, but he assured me that it was fine.

Message to: George.

I'm doing alright, thanks for asking.

Thursday, 2:04 PM.

Message from: George.

I'm glad. Have a great day. : -)

Thursday, 2:05 PM.

I was too preoccupied with smiling down at George's reply that I didn't notice the seat beside me being pulled. It was when I saw a hand reach across the table for the salt shaker that my eyes went wide with shock before I looked to the side to find Grace Miller sitting next to me. Her brunette hair was pulled back in a tight bun today, and her lips were painted with a green lipstick. She didn't say anything, she just sprinkled salt on her food as she ate quietly. I wasn't sure what to do so I looked away.

From time to time I would look back at her. I was shaking again, and I held my hands. If I stood up I would have to ask her to move, and I didn't want to talk to her.

Why is she sitting here? I wondered looking over at the table Advik and the rest were on. She should be there with the other music students, not sitting here with me.

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