Chapter 17

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After that night a troll caused havoc on the threads I've been feeling weird

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After that night a troll caused havoc on the threads I've been feeling weird. A part of me knew it was Grace, but another part of me proposed it was just someone else. I kept looking for Grace in the crowd with my eyes, and anytime our eyes met her face would dull and she would look away. She looked tired and out of it most of the time. So tired that she didn't put up her facade of being friendly and social anymore. She just sat on her own and kept her distance, effectively breaking ties with everyone in her social circle which were mostly Advik friends.

That was supposed to be a good thing, but this was Grace.

"You're just paranoid," I mumbled to myself, looking up to find George giving me a weird look.

"What?" he asked, leaning forward as he continued to examine my face. I looked away as my face grew warm.

"I was talking to myself, it's nothing," I said, shaking my head and stepping away from the counter. I've been in my head all evening, and I couldn't even enjoy the fact that George and I had the same assignment at work for once.

George rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh as he sat down on the chair behind the counter. He didn't look convinced, but he didn't probe me any further. I felt bad about pushing him away, so I went to sit down beside him again. I hated working in the evening. Few people stopped by then, and it was so easy to slip into my subconscious because of how idle and silent everything way.

I rested my head on the table, watching George as he kept making notes for the manager. I smiled, reaching out to touch his idle hand. He looked up for a bit, raising a brow at me.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, and I shook my head, still touching his hand. It had a nice red tint, and I wondered if it was because he was blushing. George was one of those people that got full body blushes.

"Are you doing this to distract me? You don't want me to ask you what you were thinking about, right?" he said. His tone was a little high — like he was trying to keep himself together, and not give in. I took my hand away from him before sitting up on my chair and letting out a sigh. Yeah, that was it. He read me so well.

"Grace," I said with a little shrug. My mouth felt dry, but I had to keep talking. "Advik," I added, reaching up to brush back my bangs. George cocked his head to the side as he adjusted his sitting position so that he was turned to me.

"I thought you said Grace left you alone, and that Advik was cool with us being together," he said, watching me. I nodded, looking down at my hands with a sigh.

"Yes, but I don't think Grace is doing okay," I said as a slight smile took form on my lips. "And I don't know. I think she'll do something to people... or maybe even herself." Why was I smiling? Why did I feel like laughing? There was nothing funny about this situation, but it was like my body was aching for relief. The past few months have been tiring, and it was annoying that I couldn't shut my mind off from what was happening around me.

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