Chapter 23

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I kept looking out the cafeteria window as I waited for Grace

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I kept looking out the cafeteria window as I waited for Grace. She was supposed to meet up with me in the next ten or so minutes. I bit down on my lip, nibbling it as I continued to look out, wondering if I could catch her head of hair as she walked to the building. She always had an alternative scene style of dressing, so she was always visible from afar in her construction boots and fishnet leggings.

Let's just hope this doesn't turn into a dumpster fire of an idea. I thought myself, taking a hold of my can of pop soda before taking a sip. It was late in the afternoon and the cafeteria at the student union building was crowded and noisy just the way I wanted it. Of course, how else was I supposed to get Harry and Grace to sit next to each other without ripping each other's heads out? Yes, I had invited Harry to this meeting as well. We all had to talk things out together or this mess would continue to play on a loop.

I tried my best not to let the possible ways this could probably go wrong to consume my mind. I looked out the window again, sitting up as my eyes went wide when I noticed Grace walk past the building. I kept looking, and I noticed Harry was right behind her, but they didn't seem to notice they were going in the same direction. It's going to be okay. I tried to calm myself down, playing with the sleeves o the sweater I had on as I waited for them. Not long after I watched as they both approached the table I was sitting at. They paused, giving each other weird looks when they noticed they were walking in the same direction, but they kept walking forward after exchanging glares. I let out a sigh of relief. Great, at least they weren't attacking each other. Grace reached the table first, squeezing into the chair beside me as Harry sat accord form both of us.

"What's going on?" Grace asked, her voice high as she took off her fall jacket. Her eyes moved from me to Harry. She had a worried look on her face, and it was obvious that Harry was just as bothered by her presence as she was of his.

"I thought you called me over to talk to me?" Harry asked, turning to look at me. "What the fuck is this, Oliver?"

"Calm down Harry, I am going to talk to you," I said, watching as my ex-friend grunted. "Both of you," I added, looking over at Grace who was playing with her fingers as she frowned.

"Look, what's been happening over the past few months has to stop. Here. Today." I made my voice as firm as possible. "All these shitty revenge plots are petty. I know you guys are tired of them too," I said, looking over at Harry who had his hands folded over his chest as he gave me a not too impressed look.

"You left us, Oliver," Harry said, changing the conversation.

"Yes, I need too. I'm sorry I didn't say anything, but that's how scared I was of you guys' behavior. Maybe I made you all shitty for leaving, but what was I supposed to do when I knew how you guys were going to react. I didn't want to be like you guys anymore. It's draining. I'm not built for that," I rambled, watching as different expressions took form on Harry's face as I spoke.

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