Chapter 11

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I had thought that after a few days of being tense and stressed I would get to relax, and not think about Grace and the smirk she's been throwing my way throughout the whole week

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I had thought that after a few days of being tense and stressed I would get to relax, and not think about Grace and the smirk she's been throwing my way throughout the whole week.

I thought because she was right in front of me now. Since I had walked into the party Advik had invited me to, I've been as quiet as a mouse trying to hide in plain sight. Advik was sitting a little distance away from me and kept giving me apologetic looks. It wasn't his party, and he had just invited me to it, which meant that he didn't know Grace would be here and couldn't get her to leave.

I tried to pretend like I was having fun. I didn't want him to feel bad, plus, I didn't want Grace to feel like she had some hold over me. Somehow, I had been dragged into party games, and after an hour of watching dare after dare, and listening to truth after truth, the person heading the game decided to call it quits.

"Let's play something else. Watching Marcus lick the carpet is funny, but it's getting old," the person said, making everyone laugh as they turned to talk to each other. He was Advik's friend. Another music student in our year. He had thick blonde curls, and his green eyes were a little red from drinking too much. Or maybe it was weed. I wouldn't know. Everyone seemed to be passing that stuff around.

"Hey, maybe we can play seven minutes in heaven?" someone brought up, drawing everyone's eyes to the person. There was a chorus of sighs and nos, and the person rolled his eyes in defeat before hugging his legs.

"What are we, in grade school? I don't think we should play that game," a girl said, making her friends around her chuckle. She pushed back her single braids, trying her best not to look over at the guy that had suggested we play the game. The dude looked over at her, and I could swear I saw a blush tint his cheeks.

Oh no. I thought, hugging my knees to myself. He's asking because of her. I thought, watching the two continue to exchange words. Seven minutes in heaven was this game where two people were chosen to spend seven minutes in a closet together. I used to play it a lot in high school. The memory caused shivers to run up my spine. I remembered being sent into the closet with Grace and kissing her as 'a joke.' When I found out she wanted to do more than jokes, it was too late. I had 'betrayed her' by being myself as she put it.

"Okay, we're playing seven minutes in heaven," the person that had been coordinating the games said, making everyone groan. The circle that had started to get broken was gradually fixed as everyone went back to their seats. I just sat where I was, not having anyone to talk or complain to. I looked over at Advik and looked away almost immediately because I was stunned that he was staring.

After a few minutes, everyone was settled down and the game started. People were called in pairs, and sometimes they'd giggle, and sometimes they would groan out of frustration. The crowd was picking, and it seemed some people were out to tease and frustrate their friends. I relaxed realizing things. Most people here didn't even know my name, and if they did I wasn't a top priority to get a reaction out of.

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