Chapter 9

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"Are you comfortable?" Advik's question made me snap out of my thoughts

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"Are you comfortable?" Advik's question made me snap out of my thoughts. I looked over at him before nodding. He was trying to set up his computer's monitor in a way that would let us watch Netflix from his bed. Yes, I was at the movie night I had agreed to. Like most rooms owned by music students, Advik's room was soundproof and had hardboard wood-like flooring.

His room wasn't stuffed with cluttering. It kind of reminded me of my roommate's corner of the room. Free floors with minimal furniture.

"Yeah," I mumbled, hugging myself as I looked on at me. Advik smiled, returning his attention to the computer in front of him. When he was done setting up he walked over to the bed, sitting beside me. The mattress sunk with his weight, and I could feel my heartbeat pick up from his closeness. I hugged myself with a tighter grip, scared that I would do something stupid if my hands were free. I didn't even know when Advik selected a movie for us to watch, all I knew was that one was playing on the computer screen now. Advik moved from sitting to laying on the bed beside me, I looked down at him when I felt a blanket cover my feet.

"It's cold," he said, rolling over so that he was lying on his back. "I covered your feet because it's cold, isn't it?"

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just looked away from him and tried to concentrate on the movie. He didn't seem interested in watching it since he was staring at the wall above. I felt uneasy, and I was starting to regret coming to stay up in his room with just him. His floor mates had gone out for a party, so not only were we alone in his room, we were alone on his whole floor. We were both in PJs since it was around eight in the evening on a weekend night.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, and my eyes went wide before I looked down at his face again. His dark eyes were staring at me with concern, and his lips were drawn into a thin line as he studied my face. "Are you uncomfortable?"

Yes. I said in my head, but I shook my head in a 'no' motion, clinging to the green duvet he had put on my legs. "I... I'm just nervous," I admitted.

"Yeah, I get that. I don't expect you to be all over me in two minutes considering what I put you through," he said, and his voice had gone a lot quieter with each word. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. I clawed at the skin in my hands with my fingers, hoping that the awkwardness would pass.

I almost jumped out of the bed when I felt Advik press up against me. He had rolled to his side until his body was touching mine. While I was a mess of nerves, Advik just kept looking at me.

"I miss when we would just hang out, you know, go to the gym, grab some food and just laugh around?" Advik said, and I bit down on my bottom lip. I knew what he meant. I missed it a lot, I really did. "You didn't like going for parties," he chuckled, picking off lint from my pants. "I always wanted to be around you, so I used to ditch parties to spend time with you. I didn't know what I was feeling then," he muttered, looking up at me. I swallowed down, trying to stay as still as possible. I didn't know what would happen if I spoke. I was afraid I might break down and start sobbing.

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