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Sorry for not updating in the last few days, I was sick and I had to go to the clinic and take injections and medicines but I am okay now :D - Hiba.


"I don't know how you know me but nevertheless" I leaned in "you better keep your mouth shut" I threatened while glaring into his eyes.

"I won't expose you don't worry" he patted my shoulder "I will just watch from afar"

"What's with the intense stares?" sana said as she stood beside me.

"Nothing, sana come with me, you should see that huge tree" he held her hand and she walked away with him. My nails almost cut my palm from clenching my fist so hard.

"What's wrong?" jeongyeon asked.

"Kyungsoo knows my identity"

"Eh? How?"

"I don't know, there is something fishy" I sighed when momo came holding her phone.

"There is a new victim" she pouted "a young girl found dead in front of her house"

"That's silly! The killer is out here and there and the police can't catch him!" jeongyeon claimed in disbelief. While all I was thinking about is kyungsoo...

Night came and since some of sana's friends are dating, they were either cuddling on the decks or walking around.

I was sitting on my deck playing with a flower in my hand when sana approached me and sat beside me.

"Momo and jeongyeon are so close now" she chuckled shyly.

"Yeah" I sniffed and stumped my feet playfully on the soil.

"Are you okay with it?"

"Why would I not be?" I chuckled... 'Oh... she thinks that I and jeongyeon used to date'

I looked at her eyes and frowned a bit "sana do you really think I am gay?"

"Hm?" she widened her eyes at me "what do you mean?"

I sighed "nothing" and looked away just to see a guy staring at me? Sana followed my gaze and that guy just licked his lips... He was sitting on a deck alone with his tent.

I heard sana's giggle, she patted my shoulder "good luck"

She walked to her tent "what do you even know?" I muttered under my breath "YAH! Give me a cigarette!" I yelled at namjoon and he compiled... I think all her friends are afraid of me.

I blew the smoke while looking up at the sky, it was a starry night without a moon until I felt someone taking the cigarette from my hand and throwing it in the trash can.

Sana frowned at me "don't smoke it's bad for your health and heart!"

"I rarely smoke sana don't worry" I smile at her and she sat next to me "why aren't you sleeping?"

"Uhm, because jeongyeon is sleeping next to momo"

"You are joking?"

She shook her head "and momo is sleeping too and I don't want to bother them" she smiled shyly "they are even holding hands, he is bisexual right?"

Oh god... Here we go again... Should I tell her that he is a womanizer who is addicted to women and sex?

She yawned and her eyes were so tired.

"Sleep in my tent"

"And what about you?"

"I will sleep next to you"

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