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In a single house located next to the highway, laid sana on a king-sized bed. Her hands were tied together with a rope that's connected to the bed's headboard same as her feet. While chaeyoung on the other hand was sitting on the floor with his back resting on the bed in front of her, his hands were tied same as sana but more strongly and tightly. He was resting his head on the bed while his knees are up to his chest. Sana started to groan and open her eyes as chaeyoung was still sleeping because of the sedative syringe that contains enough anesthetic to knock a grown man unconscious for a considerable amount of time. Sana frowned and looked around, the room was a bit dark with an on bedside lamp beside her. She looked around and tried to move but she failed. Unfortunately, her mouth was covered with a clothed, being scared was an understatement she cried while looking at the unconscious chaeyoung.

Not so much passed when chaeyoung started to move, his shook his head left and right and looked around. It looks like the kidnaper forgot to cover his mouth.

Chaeyoung's POV

I looked down at my hands and legs, they were tied with a rope that's connected to the window. I couldn't move at all until I looked to my right and saw sana on the bed. Someone kidnapped us.

"Sana!" I called "did they hurt you? Did they do something to you?"

She shook her head and cried... I wish I can hug her and comfort her. I shook my head again, I can't see well and I feel dizzy and lazy. What did they give me?

"Are you okay sana?" I said faintly.

She nodded and cried more just when the door swung open I moved in my place trying to at least move an inch but failed. Kyungsoo was wearing all black.

"You are awake sweetie?" he said while approaching sana, the latter was still trying to understand what is going on, he sat beside her and smiled.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I hollered at him "DON'T TOUCH HER!"

"STAY QUIET!" he yelled at me and sana looked at him in shock, he probably showed her his good side all the time. I started to hit the bed with my back or move my shoulders but everything is useless "Stop moving dog"

I glared and spat at him, he got up abruptly. He grabbed a tape from the bedside drawer, I tried to hide my mouth with my shoulder but he grabbed a fistful of my hair and made me stare at him "stay still" he covered my mouth and I all I can do is growl. Sana, on the other hand, was moving her head and she managed to make the cloth loose from her mouth.

"Kyungsoo what are you doing?" she spoke.

"Oh, baby" he said while caressing her hair and I start growling and moving "he will leave us soon don't worry"

"Wh- what do you mean?"

"You are so innocent sweetie" he caressed her cheek and I growled louder "He was always between us" he yelled while standing up "but not anymore I won't allow this!"

"Kyungsoo you are not in your right mind, please let us go"

"This is my right mind sana" he chuckled and walked to me "staying five years without killing no one killed me too" he said hitting his chest. I stared at sana with sad eyes... She will know everything now "she doesn't know" he laughed and looked at me "she doesn't know that I am a killer and a monster but she knows that I adore! Don't she?"

He pulled out a syringe and walked closer to me "this is a valium syringe, it causes drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and unsteadiness... I will give it to you big boy so stay still or the shaft of the needle will break into you and you might die, and it's so early for you to die"

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