Chapter 2

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When we get to Harry's house, i start to wonder why he offered to take me here. Harry looks over at me and asks "what are you thinking about?" I look over at him and see he is just plain curious, so i tell him what i was thinking. "i was just thinking about why you offered to bring me here." "oh" is all he says as we walk into his apartment. I look to my left and see a beautiful kitchen, and i look to my right and see a living room. "well as you can see, that is the kitchen." he says while pointing over at the kitchen. "and that is the living room" he says while nodding his head in the directon of the living room. Before i can say anything he starts talking again. "so. do you want the rest of the tour?" i look up at him and say "sure"

he takes me down a hall and opens a door, "this is the bathroom" i peek inside and say "nice" he smirks at me and walks down to the end of the hall. he opens a door and i guess its his room because there is a giant bed in there, and also because there are no other rooms. " yea, this is my room" he mumbles. he walks in and i follow behind him, i see there is a chair in the room so i walk over to it and sit down. i pull my phone out of my purse, and turn it on. i open my text messages and see i have a new one from Grace.

*are we still meeting at my house for movie night?* crap i forgot i was supposed to meet Grace at her house. i look up from my phone and call for Harry. "Harry?" he comes out of his closet in new clothes and looks at me "what?" he asks. "i have to go. i forgot i have to meet my friend at her house" i say while getting up from the chair. "oh" he says and looks down. "i could always come back another time" i tell him. he looks up from the floor and smiles a little "alright.. lets get going then"

he starts his car and pulls out of the parking lot of his building. "where to?" he asks. i look over at him and say "my house" he looks over at me with his eyebrows furrowed. " i thought you were going to your friends house? or did you just lie so we could leave my apartment or.." i inturupt his little rant and say. "i have to drive my car there Harry. and if i dont then i can"t get back home" he looks over at me for a second before looking back over at the road. "why not? i could take you there and pick you up whenever. i mean its really no proble" i interupt him again and say " fine! fine!" he smiles over at me with his dimples showing. how cute... what? no. i can't think hes cute. if i did Ashley and her troops would kill me. and I dont want.. Harry speaks up inturupting my thoughts "whats your friends address?" i look over at him and tell him the address.

when he pulls up in my friends drive way he looks over at me.

*oh gosh. i just now realized i have been writing in that slanted writing... well im too lazy to go back and redo it so.. yuh know, deal with it.. just kidding,but yea im not rodoing it.. sowwie*

"well.. here we are" he says i look over at him and say "yea" its quiet for a few minutes before i decide to say something "well i better go. my friend is waiting for me" i grab my bag but he grabs my wrist before i can open the door. "ill see you tomorrow, right?" he asks "yea" i answer. he lets go of my wrist and i open the door and step out. i watch him drive away before i walk up to the door. Grace is so going to ask me billions of questions.

"wait what do you mean he asked you to go over to his house?" she asks "i dont know... it was weird." i look down at my lap and play with my fingers for a few moments before she speaks up. "i think he likes you" my head shoots up and my eyes go wide. "no way.. no... No thats not possible. why would you say that?" i ask. she raises an eyebrown and says "you really have no iea do you?" i shake my head no and she sighs. "well i can tell he likes you, lauren. i mean chasing you out of the cafeteria? staying with you just to make sure you're alright?. oh and taking you to his apartment!" she practically yells the last part. i sigh and look down at my fingers again. "maybe he wanted to do it with you" she mumbles. "GRACE!" i yell and throw a pillow at her. she laughs and says "i was kidding!..maybe" my eyes go wide again and she laughs. "c'mon lets watch the movie". i turn my attention back to the movie and soon we both fall asleep on the floor.

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