Chapter 4

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I wake up to the sound of the doorbell, and I think to myself: Who the hell is that? And why did they wake me up? It's just like yesterday, except it was my phone waking me up, not my doorbell. So now since they woke me up, and making me get out of my comfy bed, I hate them. Whoever they are. I pull the covers off of me, and get out of my warm bed. I leave my room and go over to the door, I look through the peep hole, and see a police officer. Crap. I fix my hair and open the door, he looks up and says "Miss West?" I nod and he says, "I'm sorry if I woke you, but do you by any chance know anyone by the name of Harry Styles?" I think about telling him no, but I'm curious to know what he did.

"Yes. Why? What happened?" I ask.

"I'm going to need you to come down to the station with me miss." He avoids my question and I say,

"Okay, let me just grab my keys." I turn around and leave the door open, I hurry to the kitchen and grab my purse and my keys. I lock my door and run to my car seeing as the officer is already in his. He pulls out of my driveway, and I follow close behind. God Harry what did you do? It must be pretty bad if a police officer is at my house. I follow the cop all the way to the police station, and when we get there I get out of my car and lock it. I walk into the police station, with the officer leading the way to where Harry is. When we get there, the officer opens the door for me and I step inside, as soon as Harry sees me he stands up and says "Laurrreeenn." and just with my name I can tell that he's drunk. Harry walks over to me, trying to give me a hug. I step to the side, and Harry hugs the officer instead. "I'm so glad you're here Lauuuren!!" He slurs.

"Harry what the hell did you do?" I ask. The officer pushes Harry off of him, and Harry turns around to look at me.

"Well I was at a bar, and I had a couple drinks, and I don't remember anything after that." Since I didn't get much information from Harry I turned to the police, "What did he do?" the officer looks away from Harry, and looks at me.

"DUI." When he told me that my eyes go wide. I turn to Harry, and he smiles at me cupcake like.

"Harry! DUI? really?" I ask with my hand on my hip.

"I'm sorry," He mumbles back to me. I sigh and ask the officer, "When can he leave?"

"You can take him whenever, but first you fave to sign a few papers." He answers. I nod and follow him out of the room.


On the way to my house, Harry never said a word, he would just look out the window, and sometimes rub at his temples. When I get home I unlock the door, and go into the kitchen to get Harry some pills, and a glass of water. When I go into the living room Harry is laying down on my couch, rubbing his temples yet again. "Here," I say. He opens his eyes and I hand him the water and pills. He sits up slowly, and grabs them from my hands.

"Thanks." he mumbles and sets his glass down on the side table. Before I can say something, there is a knock on the door. I sigh and go over to open the door. I look through the peep hole, and see Lexi and Ashton. They're smiling at each other and holding hands. Then they both lean in and kiss. I can really tell they're in love. I think they will get married someday, and make babies... I open the door and they break their kiss, I smile and they both say 'hi'.

"Hi," I say back, and open the door wider, so they can come in. When I turn around I see Harry running to the bathroom, covering his mouth with his hand. I turn back to Lexi and Ashton, and say, "Hold on one second," But before they can respond I run to the bathroom to see if Harry is okay. I hear the toilet flush, and I knock on the door. "Harry?" I ask.

"Come in." He says. I slowly open the door.

"You okay?" I ask, and sit down on the floor next to him.

"Yeah," he says. I look up at him, and I could see the sweat dripping from his forehead. I stand up and grab a washcloth, from under the sink. I run it under the water, and ring it out. I fold it and hand it to Harry. All of a sudden I hear a loud moan coming from the living room. And right after that I hear a chuckle and someone say 'Shh'. I hold in a laugh. I look down at Harry, and he stands up. We slowly and quietly walk over to the closed bathroom door and I open it slowly and step out of the bathroom with Harry right behind me. We slowly walk down the hall, and soon were in the living room. The scene right in front of our eyes is, Lexi and Ashton making out on my couch. Ashton on top of Lexi. Lexi's eyes are closed and Ashton is kissing her neck. There's another loud moan, and Ashton stops kissing her neck and looks up to see if anyone was watching. When his eyes land on us, he quickly jumps off of Lexi and looks at his shoes. When Lexi looks at us she blushes as red as a tomato. All of a sudden, me and Harry just crack up laughing. They both glare at us, but that makes us laugh harder. I see Lexi slowly reaching behind her to buckle her bra and her face glows redder, and that makes me laugh again. Me and Harry are both bent over laughing, and I manage to stand up and say,

"Do you guys want my bed?" This causes Harry to laugh even harder if that's possible. Lexi tries to say yes, but is cut off by Ashton.

"No! That wont be necessary..." After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ashton decides to speak again. "So I guess I should tell you what we came here to tell you." I nod telling him to continue. "Me and Lexi are getting an apartment together, and it's in this building. Right across from you," He squeezes Lexi's hand when he says this. I stare at him with wide eyes.

"You're moving into the apartment right across from me?" I ask. They both nod and I say to Lexi, "Now instead of us calling each other we can just knock on each others doors." She smiles a big smile.

"Yeah! When Ashton is gone you could come over and we could hang out!" She says.

After awhile of talking, Lexi and Ashton left, to go and pack. So now it was just me and Harry. Harry and I share a few awkward glances here and there. "I should probably get going, Its getting late." Harry says. I look over at him, and he stands up from the couch. I stand up also, and he walks over to the door. "Uhmm.. Do you want to.. Maybe... Umm. Go out with me tomorrow?" He asks and scratches the back of his neck. He looks quite nervous, and it makes me laugh a little. "Why are you laughing?" He asks.

"It's nothing. And, um, sure." I say. He looks at me with a confused expression on his face and says,

"Sure what?" I smile up at him.

"Sure, I will go on a date with you." I say. He smiles, with his dimples showing which makes me smile even more. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, and I blush and look down. Harry lets out a little chuckle.

"So it's a date then?" I look up and nod. "Great. I'll see you tomorrow." He says. And before I get the chance to respond hes already gone.

I wonder what is going to happen tomorrow.

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