Chapter 7

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Song for the chapter: Deathbeds by Bring Me the Horizon

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I shoot up from bed and throw the first shirt I see from my floor over my head. I silently exit my room, not knowing if Ben is home. I walk through the hallway and past his room where the door is shut. My keys unexpectedly fall from my fingers and onto the floor, making the usual quiet sound seem so loud in front of his room. I stay still and try to make out any noise that I can. I suddenly hear a small mumble and know it is his own. When I don't hear anything else, I am relieved and know that he must be asleep. As I bend down to pick up my keys, I try to prevent any other noise knowing that only the thin wall beside me is what separates us.

When I am able to escape my house without waking him once again, I get into my car and quietly close the door. I don't turn my music up until I am already halfway down the street, not caring that it is 1:30 AM. As I drive down the dark road, I think about how I will shortly be soothed from all of my troubles. 

As I arrive at his house, I see Zach standing in the doorway waiting for me. I exit my car and meet him up at the house. He tells me that his parents aren't home tonight, which is why I hear music coming from his basement. I follow him downstairs and find unexpected company awaiting the two of us.

Myra and an unfamiliar girl are sitting on one of the old couches. This other girl isn't as good looking as Myra, nor does she have as many piercings. Her hair is pure black with a few blue and purple streaks underneath. They both smile at me as I sit on the couch across from them.

"Luke, this is my friend Darcy," Myra introduces me to the strange girl. She licks her lips as she eyes me up and down, making me slightly uncomfortable. I hope that Myra and Zach aren't trying to set me up with this girl, because I'm definitely not interested. On the other hand, I guess I will take what I can get.

"Nice to meet you," I say.

Luckily Zach sits next to me immediately after so I don't have to make any small talk. He smiles at me and the two girls before grabbing the black bag that is sitting beside him on the couch. He unzips the bag and pulls out a clear plastic bag full of beautiful, white powder. I can't help but smile, knowing that this will get my mind off of everything. 

I have done cocaine a few times with Zach. It gives me a huge burst of energy and makes me feel as though I am talking a million words a minute. I love the buzz that it gives me. He pours the powder onto the table and separates it into 4 straight lines with a credit card. My heart is racing as I await the rush that I will soon have. 

"Ladies first," he says with a smile. 

Without question, Darcy immediately bends down and snorts the line quickly and effortlessly. She has probably done this many times. Myra continues after her and Zach and I follow shortly after. I hate the burning sensation that occurs right when I first inhale the drug, but within seconds my mind is clear and free. I throw my head back in pleasure and can't help but laugh as I immediately start to feel the effects. 

The four of us sit and talk for what seems like hours. When I finally feel the high wearing off, I look at the clock to see that it has only been a little over an hour since I got here. To my surprise, Zach and Darcy are sitting across the room locking lips and sucking each other's tongues rather disgustingly. I feel the cushion beside me dip down and turn to find Myra smiling up at me.

"So what do you say we get out of here?" She asks.

I take her hand and lead her up the stairs. As we get outside, the cool air blowing against my skin causes goosebumps to form all over my body. I unlock my car and she hops in the passenger seat. I turn my music up and pull out of the driveway. She bangs her head to the music, but doesn't sing along to any of the words. I guarantee that she has never even heard this song before and I know that she is trying too hard to impress me. As I think about what I am going to do to her once we get to my house, I almost slam on the brakes.

Why the hell did I think this was a good idea? Ben is sleeping and would definitely hear us, especially since Myra is who I'm bringing home. All I can do now as we near the house is hope that he is no longer there.

When we pull up to my dark, old house, I am thankful that his car is no longer here. I put the car in park and exit my car. She follows and grabs my hand as I walk up to unlock the door. As soon as we make it inside, she pushes me up against the closest wall and plants her lips on mine. Her tongue swirls with my own almost immediately before she makes her way down to my neck. A small moan escapes my lips as she gently sucks on the skin. Her fingers creep down from my hip to my jeans and I know that she can feel my hard member through the thick clothing. 

I remove her hand and pick her up by the waist, carrying her down the hallway. She giggles and kicks her feet and I am grateful that Ben is not here for her to wake up with her loudness. I kick my door open and throw her onto my bed.

"You're being so rough, it's turning me on so fast," she whispers as she grabs me and pulls me closer to her. She quickly undoes the button and zipper on my pants and pulls both my jeans and boxers down at once, revealing all of me to her. She licks her lips and pulls me on top of her. 

I suck and bite down on her neck and she moans as her hand is doing its own job down below. Before I know it, she is taking off her pants. I grab a condom from my bedside table and quickly slide it on. Just as I am about to enter her, she flips me over and gets on top of my body. She rubs herself for a moment before putting me inside of her and sitting on top of me. I moan at the action and she pleases me more by sliding herself up and down onto me. 

"I know you love it when I ride you," she whispers. Her fingers trace all over my chest and I lay there in peace as she does all the work.

After almost thirty minutes of this, we reach our climax at the same time and she screams my name. Both out of breath, she falls next to me and drapes her arm over her face. Just as I think she is almost asleep, she sits up on her elbow and looks at me. 

"Well, my ride is here. I had a great time baby," She says to me and kisses my cheek. "Don't worry about getting up, I can find my way out."

She rolls out of my bed, pulls on her pants and with that, she is out of my room. A few seconds later I hear a car door shut and the car drives off loudly. This is why I keep going back to her, she doesn't ask for anything else.

Just as I am about to drift off to sleep, her face pops into my mind once again. Aleisha is staring at me in the sunlight, holding her hand out to me. I cannot grab onto it as she keeps getting farther and farther away from me. I reach out, but feel nothing in return. 

The pleasure I get from Myra is nothing that can ever compare to the bliss I felt while just being in Aleisha's presence. Myra does not sound like Aleisha; she does not feel like her. Myra will never be Aleisha. 

No one will ever be her. 

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