Chapter 2 - Out in the rain.

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He didn’t know why or how, but Niall found himself in front of the conservatory door, at half two in the morning, holding Harry’s duvet, three extra blankets, a torch, an extra pair of long socks, and a big umbrella, which fitted into the stand outside. He’d gone unnoticed by Harry, and hadn’t woken any of the other boys, surprisingly since he’d run around the top floor grabbing blankets as quick as he could.

He stepping forwards towards the glass door, and knocked on it, trying to catch the attention of the slim figure in the corner. Their head lifted from under their arms and between their legs, spotting him behind the glass. He seemed to squint, still not able to make out who Niall was.

Niall clicked the lock and swung the door open, a blast of cold wind and rain hitting his face almost instantly, whipping his hair across his face. Harry saw his face and he gasped silently, but it turned into a cough. He face was pale and he was shivering like hell.

‘Oh my God, Harry!’ Niall exclaiming, ran over to him and wrapped the blankets around him tightly, fixing them under his back, between the wall and his back.

He threw the duvet over Harry, attempting to cover his whole body, but it kept blowing back off some part of him. He shoved the socks over his hands, pulling them up his arms as far as they would go, getting himself totally soaking in the doing so.

‘Niall?’Harry croaked, still shivering badly.

‘What?’ Niall crouched beside him and rubbed his arms, which had emerged from under the mass of blankets as Harry got comfy.

‘W-what are you doing?’

Niall stared at him, he couldn’t tell if he was picking a fight, or was just asking, he answered anyway, ‘I was upstairs. I saw you and remembered you were down here’

‘But, but why are y-you helping m-me?’ he stuttered, the cold was effecting him badly.

‘It’s a storm, I’m not going to let you freeze out here, even if you do hate me’

He leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around Harry, only to warm him up though, ‘I’m so sorry, I should I have come earlier. I’d let you in… But Liam’d kill me… Probably Louis too’

Harry didn’t answer, but he shrugged Niall’s arms off him, ‘Who? Oh, you mean your la-’ but he stopped himself, when he saw Niall’s expression drop.

‘Look, if you’re going to be like this, I’ll just go’ Niall stated, standing and heading back to the door.

‘No! Wait… Niall?’

He turned back, and Harry gestured for him to come back again. As soon as Niall was close enough, Harry smirked and crashed his lips into Niall’s, pulling his face closer roughly. Harry trailed his tongue along Niall’s bottom lip, but Niall kept his mouth firmly shut.

Niall shoved him off, causing himself to land in a murky puddle, ‘Harry? What the hell?’

Harry just grinned, ‘I know you loved it’ he said cockily.

‘I did not’ Niall replied, opening the door again.

‘I know you love me!’ Harry shouted, before Niall slammed the door shut, refusing to listen to Harry anymore.

Just when he and Harry had a moment where they weren’t fighting, where they could almost be classed as friends, he had to go and ruin it, by kissing him to embarrass Niall. What was the point in that? Why did he do it?

‘Niall!’ someone whispered loudly, but the anger, worry and shock laced into their voice was obvious.

Niall spun around on his heel, and Louis was stood in the lounge doorway. ‘Hey Lou. What’s up?’ he asked, acted dumb.

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