Chapter 5 - Arguments

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Niall’s POV

Anya pushed me up against the wall roughly, gripping the collar of my t-shirt. Her lips stayed locked with mine, she kissed hungrily, but it was better than nothing.

She pulled at the buttons on my top, undoing it three quarters of the way down, pulling one of the sleeves down my arm. I flipped us around and pulled her top off. I hitched her leg up around my waist and picked her up. We stumbled across her room and I fell backwards onto her bed, her legs straddling me.

I grinned at her, this is what I needed to heal the pain from Harry.

She kissed up and down my chest, leaving dark red lipstick marks. Her lips reached my neck were she kissed over and over, until she found my sweet spot and started to suck on it. I let out a soft moan and she smirked as she left a purple mark growing there.

Just as we were about to get further, loud bangs came from the front door.

‘It sounds like someone’s trying to break the frickin’ door down’ I groaned, someone had to interrupt us at this point.

She got up from the bed, and I followed her out, picking my top up. Before she opened the door, she giggled at me. I smiled back and she swung the door open. And obviously, the person stood in the doorway, had to be the person I least wanted to see.

Liam’s POV

Louis burst through the front door, basically carrying an almost passed out Zayn over his shoulder like a fireman.

‘What happened?’

‘Too much drink’ he said plainly, dumping Zayn onto the three-seater sofa.

‘Oh’ I waited for Harry and Niall to fall through the door drunkly or soberly, but they never came, ‘Where are the others?’

‘Who cares?’ he replied, sitting down next to me miserably.

Now was the time to shut up. I did want to know where they were, but Lou didn’t seem in the best of moods, and I didn’t want to get into an argument with him. He’d just win anyway.

I’m gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house, if things go wrong I can knock it down-

Louis’ ringtone blasted out, and he ignored it.

‘Are you not gonna get that?’

‘Nope’ he said, popping the ‘p’ and leaving the room with a huff.

I sighed and took his phone off the sofa arm. It was Harry that was calling, or as he was saved in Lou’s phone, ‘Curly-head’.

I answered phone to be met with something that sounded like Harry was blowing down the phone.


‘Liam?’ there was a pause, ‘Where’s Louis? I’ve called him five times and he hasn’t picked up’

‘I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but what’s up?’

‘Niall’s being a stupid idiot and has gone home with a girl from the club’


‘He might do something stupid! What if they end up… You know, get it off in bed?’ he sounded pretty annoyed.

I scoffed, ‘Like you haven’t done that enough! How many girls have you brought home from the club? Ten? Who was there… Nicki, Jaz, Lucy, Amelia-’

‘Shut up Liam! I’ll sort this out myself then!’

‘Since when did you care about Niall…’ I mumbled before hanging up.

I guess now my job was to try and sort out whatever had happened Louis. Why did I have to be the sensible one who came home?

Louis’ POV

Liam knocked at my door, but I blocked it out and thrusted my head back into my pillow. I didn’t want him to find out what had happened, he’d start asking questions why it had upset me, and then he’d find out.

None of the boys other than Niall himself knew I had feelings for the blonde boy, and I intended to keep it that way, or it’d just be too awkward and embarrassing.

Liam’d find out and think I was pathetic, then probably tell Zayn, who would then pass it on to Harry, and Harry’d probably beat me up for liking or taking his ex. It’d break the band, and I didn’t want to be the cause of that.

‘Lou?’ he asked as he came into my room and sat by my feet on the bed, ‘What’s up?’

‘Nothing, I’m perfectly fine’ I told him, lifting my head up, which straight away was a bad idea because I revealed my red eyes.

‘Sure you are’ he moved closer to my head, ‘You don’t have to tell me, but sit here moping all night’ he smiled, ‘Do you want to come watch a film with me or something, or sleep?’

‘Sleep’ I said hastily, which might have been a bit too quick, because a shadow of pain flashed across Liam’s face.

‘Okay then’

He stood up, and I thought he was going to leave my room, but Liam’s not like that, he’s too fatherly, even though I am older than him.

He pulled my TOMs off and placed them down on the floor. Soon, he’d removed my jeans and top and I was laying still on the bed, not bothering to move. If anyone else walked into the room now, it’d probably look like something was about to happen, but Louis knew nothing would.

Liam picked up Louis’ Coca Cola pyjamas that Harry had given him for Christmas the year before and pulled them over my resisting body.

Once he’d finished he got my duvet from the floor and tucked me under it. He smiled and whispered, ‘Night Lou, sweet dreams’ and began to walk out my room, but I stopped him.

‘Wait! Liam? Could… Could you sing for me?’

Harry’s POV

‘Niall, come on. Come home…’ I grabbed his arm and started to pull him away from the girl’s house, my eyes fixed on the red marks and hickeys all over his chest and neck, his ripped open top and messy hair.

‘No! I’m staying here’ he protested.

‘Niall!’ I whined, I had no idea how to get him out of there.

‘Niall!’ he mimicked, followed by Anya’s laughs. ‘Since when did care about me or what I did?’ he spat, which triggered my anger.

I didn’t act like it, but I think Louis knew. I still loved Niall, but after what happened. I changed, because I didn’t want us to fall in love again. So I morphed myself into a monster to stop it, it’s all I could do.

‘Fine! Do whatever the fuck you want!’ I shouted, probably to loud since some lights from a few houses down the road turned on.

‘That’s what I intending on doing!’ he screamed back and slammed the door in my face.

I spun round and was met with a professional camera lens stuck in my face, which belonged to the paparazzi, who were snapping away with photos.

Just my luck, huh?

Well they can twist this story out of proportion as much as they want, I don’t even care anymore. Not about them, not about the band, not about money, not about fans, and certainly, not about Niall.

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