The Umbridge Philosophy

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Percy winced as his mother, Sally Jackson, plastered the very last band-aid onto his leg.

Percy looked down at it, a little smile etching onto his face. The Little Nemo band-aid made the cut feel a lot better, and it made him look like a warrior.

"Tell me what happened, Percy," Sally asked, partly knowing before she did.

The smile faded. Indecision flashed in the seven year old's eyes, and he bit his lip. Should he tell on him or not?

Nobody likes a tattletale, brat, Gabe had said, his beer-scented breath making Percy scrunch up his nose in disgust. So remember that before you even think about it, I'll know. And what happens when I know? This.

Percy flinched as he remembered the stinging of his cheek and the throbbing of his head when Gabe had slapped him so hard he hit the wall. With that memory, he decided what to say next. "I fell off my bike again."

Sally looked deep into his eyes, unconvinced. "You can tell me, honey. You know that, right?"

Percy shook his head. "No, I can't, Mom. He... he... "

"Who, Percy?" Sally pressed, even though she knew.

Percy had a little debate about telling her in his mind.

If you tell, he'll hurt you again, said the larger part of his brain

Yes, but maybe she'll stop him, the tiny optimistic voice in his head replied.

"Percy, you can trust me. Was it a bully?" She asked.

Her eyes were practically pleading for an answer, as if it was hurting her to not know. Percy's willpower crumbled- he would do anything to keep his mom happy.

He looked back and forth before whispering, "Gabe. He-he punched me and-and kicked me last night. I- I don't think he likes me."

Sally kissed him on the cheek, saying, "I'm sure he likes you, Percy. He's... just having a hard time showing that."

But Percy knew she was lying. Parents that like you are supposed to be nice to you. They're supposed to smile, even hug you. Kiss your owies and say, "Look how big you are!" even when you are the same size as the day before. Gabe had never even smiled at him, much less do anything like that.

Then Percy's gaze settled on something. No, someone. Sally quickly turned around, and saw exactly why Percy was scared. Gabe, his eyebrows furrowed, and his face pulled into a scowl, had been watching the whole exchange.

Suddenly, Sally felt anger rising up inside, like the bubbles in a carbonated drink. She burst up from her crouching position, clenching and unclenching her fists. "How dare you hurt my son like that!"

Gabe blinked, surprised. Then his scowl returned and he stepped forward menacingly. "According to the law, he's my son too. And, if I'm correct, you are allowed to govern your child any way you like."

"Beating him is different."

"How so?" he snapped. "Many kids get spankings or slaps on the wrists, even soap in the mouth."

Sally couldn't believe what she was hearing. Gabe was a bad person, yes, but she just couldn't believe he was this bad.

Gabe took her silence as a gesture to keep going. "Thanks for making me watch those Harry Potter movies, by the way. That lady- what was her name? Umbridge?- led me to it. After all, naughty children deserve to be punished. It's my new philosophy. You should join, too. It's kind of fun."

Sally swallowed in disgust, trying to control her anger. "If you ever, and I mean ever, hit him again, I'll personally call the police and report child abuse. Understand?"

Gabe's scowl grew, but he just nodded slowly. "Fine."

He turned to leave, but Sally said, "Wait." He turned back, hope shining in his eyes. "Changed your mind?"

Sally squinted angrily at him. "No. Promise you'll never hit him again. Never kick, punch, bite, pinch, anything that hurts him in anyway. Do it."

Gabe pursed his lips.

Sally's voice hardened. "Now."

"Fine. I promise I'll never hurt him ever again," Gabe said. Then, with a growl, he turned and stomped out of the room.

Sally turned back to Percy, and gave him a big hug, silent tears sliding down her face.

She pulled away when Percy started rubbing her back in a circular motion. Her job was to comfort him, not the other way around. "It's okay, Percy. Gabe will never hurt you ever again. You're alright, Percy. He won't hurt you anymore."

Percy was unconvinced. Gabe wouldn't change what he wanted if his life depended on it. He nodded anyways, plastering a fake smile on his face. "Okay, Mom. I believe you."

She smiled and stood up. "C'mon, cutie, let's go eat some blue cookies."

Suddenly Percy's smile wasn't fake anymore. He jumped up excitedly. "YAY!" he yelled, and pulled his mom into the kitchen to eat his favorite treat.

They both failed to see Gabe watching again, a sneer spreading on his face as he pulled his arm out from behind his back, revealing something that broke his promise immediately. Crossed fingers. One thing was for sure: The Umbridge Philosophy was going to be put into use yet again.

Dedicated to: meowisnow, who also wrote a version of this. Be sure to check it out! You know, right after voting, commenting, and loving this book so much you feel the need to tell me so. (Just kidding about that last part.)

'Till next time, my few but lovely readers!


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