Speling Test

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Every step burned as I walked down the sidewalk. Taxis blared their horns, people talked on their phones and with each other, and then there was me. Trudging along, head down, doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself.

Why did Gabe hurt me? Was there something wrong with me? Why did he hate me? What did I do wrong? These questions kept circling around and around in my head.

I was so distracted, I almost fell about twenty times. My legs felt like jelly. One time I passed a cafe, and the scent of blueberry muffins almost made me want to die.

Finally I reached the last leg of my walk, and started feeling a lot better.

Until I saw a glass wall being shattered into pieces. I might as well admit it, I guess. I screamed. What? It scared me!

Two girls walked over the glass pieces. One of them was short with black hair and brown eyes, the other had long blonde hair and light blue eyes that seemed to pierce me. The girl with short hair looked a little hesitant, and excitement gleamed in her eyes, while the blond was more certain, precise in her movements.

"Hey, Percy, right?" the short haired girl asked.

I didn't hesitate. I ran, feeling newfound energy arise. When girls go through through a glass wall that came out of nowhere, I'm not going to just stand there and start a friendly conversation. They were absolute strangers, after all.

"Hey, wait!" I heard from behind me. Really close behind me. I burst on more speed, I don't know where from, and sprinted into the school and into my class.

"Woah, there. Are you okay?" My teacher asked.

I nodded and said between pants,  "Yes, sir. Missed...the... bus."

It was true... technically.

Finally, I sat down, and started thinking that I'd lost them. I warily watched the doorway, barely glancing at the other students who walked in.

A girl came and sat in the desk on my right, and another girl sat in the desk to my left, but before I could look to see who they were, Mr. Bayar said, "Alright, boys and girls, clear off your desks. We're taking a spelling test today."

I groaned. Great.

"Ooh, fun, we get to take a first grade spelling test! This'll be easy!" the girl on my right said.

I looked over at her curiously, making her blush. "What?"

"I- I'm really good at spelling tests...?" She shrugged and put her hands in the air helplessly.

"Okay..." I muttered, unconvinced. I glared at her. Her red hair was pulled up into a ponytail and she had bright green eyes that were twinkling with happiness, even though she was panting. She must've ran here, too, I thought. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?"

She blushed and opened her mouth to say something, but her friend, with dyed hair and dark grey eyes, interrupted her. "Yeah, we're both new. We, uh, moved in from Montana because our dads work at the same company and they had to move here for some reason they never told us, and..." Her voice trailed off as her friend made the cutting off motion with her hand.

"Uh... OK..." I said. "Welcome, I guess."

The redhead's smile was so bright, I was almost blinded by it. "Thanks, Percy!"

I nodded, pulling out a piece of paper and a pencil. "Good luck. These things are hard!"

She scoffed. "They don't get any better, I'm telling you."

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