Strange First Day of School

334 19 46

Taylor's POV-

13-14-13. The new locker combo that would torture me for the rest of the year. Yay.

I struggled to open it, tugging on it as hard as I could. Nothing. Muttering under my breath, I tried again. Nothing. "Oh, come on!"

Last year, I'd got it easy, getting one of the smooth locks that don't catch and have to be exactly on the number. This year wasn't so fortunate. Especially since I had the bottom locker. Yippee.

My phone buzzed. Ignoring it, I tried the locker combo again, but to no avail. "Gah!"

Finally, I just gave up and decided that I'd have to ask my teacher for the hall pass to do this later. I'd rather be embarrassed than tardy.

My phone buzzed again, and this time I relented. I put in the phone pin: 1-3-9-9, and it immediately went to Wattpad. I smiled. This would be one way to make my day a little easier.

Let's go on an adventure! I thought, chuckling at the reference to one of my favorite movies of all time.

I clicked on my library category, quickly scanning it to see if there's any new updates. Percy Meets Sherlock? No. Dang, I really wanted that one to update. It had such a good beginning! Sherlock meeting Annabeth had really intruiged me, but, alas, the author of it hadn't updated in what seemed like months. Percy Jackson Meets The Fastest Kid Alive? Nope. And it ended on a cliffy, too. Meow-Catgirl? Nope. Run-Girl Flash? Nada. Riddle Me This? Reborn? All of the stinking Percy/Avenger crossovers? No, no, no!

Then my eyes caught on the little 'NEW!' caption box on the story called, "Percy VS. Smelly Gabe".

Finally! I'd really only been able to read the first thing because the stupid author of the book wouldn't ever update! Until now, it seemed.

I entered the first class of the first day of school, hoping and praying it was the right one, then dismissing it without another thought as I sat at my desk, took off my backpack, and started reading.


The sound of someone clearing their throat startled me, and I looked up from the screen. Then I jerked back instinctively. There was a hand in my face!

"Hand over the phone, young woman." My eyes focused on the person in front of me. I could tell immediately that that was the teacher from the glasses, hair, and shirt that says, "World's Greatest Teacher" on the front. Her face is stern, but her eyes gentle and cool. I'd never really seen sea green eyes in my life, but I could swear her's were an exact replica of the ones I imagined for my favorite book character in the universe: Percy Jackson. So maybe that's why I didn't get mad, flushed, or embarrassed or anything; I already liked her.

I slowly handed over my phone, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry."

She smiled a little. "It's fine. Just don't make a habit of it, okay?"

I nodded. "Sorry. I- I was reading and I just kinda got sucked in..."

"We all do that sometimes. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." She set my phone down on her desk. "Come pick up your phone after class, alright?"

I could feel the eyes of my classmates burning into my back and the sides of my face, but I didn't care. The teacher fascinated me in a way that no teacher had before. Maybe it was the way the classroom was decorated: with superhero and Harry Potter posters plastered everywhere, some posters that made me want to laugh, the cute little flower spread on the curtain halfway in front of the window. Maybe it was the way she dressed, with the T-shirt tucked into her denim capris, her golden flower flip-flops, the Harry Potter golden snitch necklace dangling from her neck, gleaming in the sunlight. Maybe it was her big eyes that stood out from her straight black hair, her hooked nose, and the freckles that spread over her face like sprinkles on a cupcake.

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