5. Pillar of Salt

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What happens when you can't let the past go? And by the past, I mean any event during any period of time that is not current; any elapsed time from a second ago to centuries ago. When you focus on past failures, mistakes, hurts, and pains - you get stuck! Many of us have experienced loss, disappointment, regret, or sorrow of some sort. Usually this means something happened that we didn't want to happen. If we are not careful, when we rehearse painful memories over and over in our minds, we can get stuck in the past. It becomes nearly impossible to move forward successfully; because, so much of our energies are wasted dwelling or diverted on what no longer exists and what can no longer be experienced except, in our minds. We are not using our creative mental powers in a way that works for our benefit. We get so wrapped up in what should have, would have, and could have happened until we lose focus on the present. There is no sustained power in the past. We can't change the past; it's gone and the future is before us. However, in the present, in this very moment, is where you have tremendous power.

In the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah found in Genesis 19:12-26, we see that Lot and his family were given very specific instructions not to look back at the city. Their home and community was being destroyed by God because of the citizen's extreme wickedness. But Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. She turned to look back. The city was being destroyed and because she was unable to release from her thoughts the hold of what was now behind her - her past - her thought process caused her to make the wrong choice which led to the action of her looking back. As a result, she was turned into a pillar of salt. She was stuck, permanently looking back at the past; a city that no longer existed. She would forever be held hostage by something that no longer existed; because of her inability to let go of the past.

Notice something interesting about Lot's wife; although her husband and two daughters were escaping Sodom and Gomorrah with her, none of the others looked back at the cities. They did as they were instructed. Her husband didn't look back; neither did her two daughters. This indicates that you don't have to let anyone, including family members, hold you back. No one can make you dwell on the past -- you can move forward with or without them! I am not advocating division in families, but you should never prevent someone from moving forward in life.

I have been in situations where I was thoroughly disappointed in my own reaction or performance. Other people have disappointed and hurt me. Sometimes, I have rehearsed the disappointment over and over again in my mind, even talking about the disappointment over and over again with friends and family. It is such a depressing and exhausting activity! And it doesn't move you forward in the right direction! I am reliving the disappointment over again; whenever I dwell on it in my thoughts or talk about it with others. It is like surviving an accident; your car is in the ditch, totally mangled. You have been safely pulled from the wreckage, but you won't move on because you can't stop looking at your ruined car. Those that helped pull you out of the wreckage console and support you for a while but they want you to move on so they can move on too. If they can't convince you to stop obsessing over the wreckage, they may have to move on without you. In this scenario, life is moving on but you are stuck because you won't allow yourself to move on. What a pity!

The repetitive replay of disappointing events in your thoughts or speech is destructive. However, sometimes we all need to reflect or ask others for feedback, so as not to repeat the same disappointing activity; this is much more constructive. This is what I believe the widow woman did; she reflected on her current state of affairs; moved forward and sought help from Elisha.


Don't let your past trap you. Let go of the past. No one can hold you in the past but you. Live in the present. There is tremendous power in the present. Active change happens in the present moments of your life.

Actions to Take

1. Are you holding on to the past? If so, why?

2. What one thing can you change now to make your future better?


Don't doubt the Word of God!

You can't change the past; you can only relive it in your mind.

Don't be held hostage by something that no longer exists.

When you focus too long on the past you get stuck.

Author's Note: Hello readers, thank you so much for reading the first part of my book! I hope you really enjoyed it and you were able to get something meaningful out of it. If you would like to read the rest of It's in the House: Lessons from a Widow Woman for Everyone- Getting What You Need & More, it will be free in the Kindle Store for a limited amount of time! Thank you so much, have a blessed day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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