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"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:18-19)

How does one woman go from being an impoverished widow to a prosperous business woman? She successfully effected a change in her life, in the lives of her children, and in her community. The story of this unnamed widow woman is truly miraculous. It is a precious gem of a story - a pearl.  And like a beautiful pearl is composed of layers of nacre, I would like to examine this story layer by precious layer to reveal its beautiful, but powerful principles.

What ideas, gifts, and abilities has God placed within you? What is in you that is anointed but you have labeled it as insignificant or not enough? If you obey the voice of God, He will multiply that idea, gift, or ability and give you the increase. The uncovering of that gift will be the catalyst for your change. Let your God-given gift be poured out of you and be set-free!

2 Kings 4:1-7 (The Voice) (emphasis mine)

The wife of one of the prophets' disciples pleaded with Elisha. Imagine their conversation:

Widow: "My husband, who served you, is now dead. He greatly feared the eternal God and you know this to be true. The creditor is now trying to take away my only two children- my sons- and make them into slaves."

Elisha: "What is it that you want me to do? Do you have anything of value in your house?"

Widow: "I don't really have much of anything. The only thing I have in my house that might be of any worth is a jar of oil."

Elisha: "Borrow as many large empty containers as you can. Ask your neighbors for anything they can give to you. Be sure to collect a lot of them. Then enclose you and your sons in a room. Pour the oil from your jar into all the containers you collected from your neighbors. Set aside the full ones."

The widow left Elisha and did as he had instructed her. She enclosed herself in a room with her sons. One at a time, her sons held a container before her, and she poured. Soon all of the containers were filled.

Widow: "Bring me another container."

Son: "I can't. There aren't any left."

At that precise time, the oil from her jar stopped flowing. The widow then went back to Elisha, the man of God.

Elisha: "Now go and sell the oil and pay the creditor what you owe. Then your children won't be made into slaves, and you and your sons can live on the remaining money."

It's in the House: Lessons from a Widow Woman for EveryoneWhere stories live. Discover now