1. Promises and Provisions

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It's all about perspective! Yes, the widow woman had some problems, but she realized that she also has some promises. And I declare that the "P" in God's promises are way bigger than the "p" in any problems. This widow who sought Elisha's help had some big problems; however, she knew she could not allow her problems to imprison her promises. So she spoke with, Elisha, the man of God, and he asked, "What is in the house?"

You see, the man of God knew without a doubt that God could use something in her house. He also knew that she had a miracle waiting in her house, but the Widow was incapable of seeing that miracle for herself. Her desperation caused her to see nothing of value - except perhaps a small jar of oil. To her, the jar of oil was insignificant. Isn't it just like God to take that seemingly insignificant thing and do great things with it; miraculous things?! Don't ever underestimate the resourcefulness of God. He is the Creator and he has infinite resources. His creative powers can never be exhausted.

God used that seemingly insignificant, inexpensive, unimpressive jar of oil to preserve and protect her promises. You see, in her house was the provision for her promises! Every promise has a corresponding provision. That provision might well be the very thing that maybe no one else wanted. Perhaps you noticed that the widow did not say, "I have a house full of fine furniture.” More than likely, any furniture she did have was probably re-possessed or sold and the money was used to pay other debts. Neither did she say that she had a prized donkey or some heirloom jewelry. Her possessions were all gone! I imagine that her house was nearly bare because she used everything to pay her other creditors. And even after all of her material possessions were gone, her debt still had not been paid in full. But God! God knew her situation was temporary. He already had a plan of restoration for her. The situation was temporary because God always leaves a way of escape or deliverance.

The widow's sons were, in a sense, her promises. They were the physical representation of (some of) her God given promises. Can you imagine the promises which she had been pregnant with, the promises that she carried within her, the promises that were birthed through her? These were the promises that she watched over, the promises that she nourished, the promises that she sacrificed for, the promises that were yet developing, those precious promises that God had given her.

They were also the promises that the enemy wanted to seize. The Evil One wanted to enslave her promises. He wanted to rob her of her promises. He wanted to enslave her promises of joy, peace, wholeness, and hope. He wanted to steal her future! The same Enemy who wanted to enslave this poor widow's promises also wants to enslave your promises too!

My friend, never let a temporary situation cause you to make a wrong permanent decision. Please understand that you already have a Provision for your promise, and it is in the house! This widow woman came to herself. I can imagine that she said to herself, "I may not know the answer to my problems, but I still have my promises - they are not gone yet. I believe I will arise and go and inquire of God, through the man of God. I will seek His help." You see, God does not require you to have all the answers to your problems. You must trust God. Ask Him to help you. God will give you solutions for your problems. He is the source of the solution. God just wants you to hold onto your promises, so hold onto them! You and those around you, may not understand how everything will work out but hold onto your promises; your answer is in the house!

The enemy makes it his job to try to steal your promises. John 10:10 states that, "The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I come that you may have life and that more abundantly." The Enemy will tell you that you don't deserve your promises and that the promises were never really yours. But I am here to tell you that what God has promised you is yours. You need to tell the Devil, "What God has for me is for me and I know without a doubt God will bring me out. After all, I have something left in the house." Don't believe the Enemy's lies that you have nothing left! Something is in the house for you. God will never give you something and then not properly equip you to use it. I don't care how hopeless or how bleak your situation looks. I don't care how lonely, desperate, or bad you may feel; something is left in the house for you. Just hold on tightly to your promises.

You have to take a stand against the enemy. How can you stand when you feel hopeless and everything seems to be gone? Ask God to help you. Listen to what he is telling you and then act on what you've heard. God will strengthen you. You must not give up! If you persevere, God will help you. God will provide for you. God will heal you. He will instruct and guide you. What is in the house? What can God use to sustain, protect, and preserve your promises? Seek God even in your problems and He will reveal to you what is in the house.


Everyone has experienced problems at some point in their lives. Problems are a common occurrence of the human condition. Never let a problem become so big in your life that you allow it to eclipse your God given promises. Your promise serves as solutions to your problems. Know that every problem has a corresponding promise.

Actions to Take

1.The next time you experience a problem find a corresponding promise and focus on the promise more than the problem.

2. Write and/or say the promise(s) repeatedly to reinforce it and activate it in your life.


Never let a temporary situation cause you to make a wrong permanent decision.

Every promise has a corresponding provision.

Don't ever underestimate the resourcefulness of God.

It's in the House: Lessons from a Widow Woman for EveryoneWhere stories live. Discover now