Chapter 4: Only to Protect You

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Author’s Notes: I do not own Twilight. I also made Renesmee two years older since Breaking Dawn. Since she looked like a nine year old after only being a few months old I decided that at the age of two she would look like a sixteen year old girl; also for my story’s sake I sort of slowed down her aging process so she looks like a teenager for a while. Please don’t kill me over this detail.

Say Something I’m Giving up on you

Chapter 4: Only to Protect you

            That evening when Billy and Jacob arrived at their house Carlisle was there waiting for them. Jacob already knew what this was about but he didn’t care because it was worth it to spend some time with her. He helped his dad into the house then he went outside to speak with Carlisle. “Look I already know what you’re going to say and I would like to add that I was just talking to her and nothing more.”

            Carlisle’s eyes grew stern at Jacob’s naïve behavior “Did I not tell you to keep away from her? You could’ve already put her in danger.”

“What damage could I have possibly done just by talking to her? Besides she pretty much hounded me into talking. Apparently she doesn’t remember what happened the other day.”

“Jacob listen to me carefully stay away from her. Until we get this whole situation figured out you must ignore her otherwise it might put all three of our species in danger.”

            The next day was Ashley’s first day of at a new high school; it was her last year of school and she felt that she needed to make herself scarce. One wrong move and she would end up back at the orphanage. Charlie drove her in his police car and gave her the whole speech to ease her nervousness about her first day. She began to walk into the building when she heard the sound of a motorcycle growing louder. She turned around to see Jacob riding up to the curb with a girl holding on to him. She then saw the girl jumping off of the bike and gave Jacob a kiss on the cheek and ran into the school. ‘Is that his girlfriend? She seems a bit young for him.’ She tossed the thoughts from her head and waved to him but he did nothing to acknowledge her. She thought that maybe he didn’t see her so she shouted “Hey Jacob!” He made it seem like he didn’t even know who she was. It felt like a sharp knife was being stabbed in her heart.

            She received a warm welcome from her fellow students and was even attracting the eyes a few of her male classmates. A few of the boys offered to buy her lunch, and she would’ve said yes but then she remembered what Charlie had told her last night. ‘If boys ever try flirting with you just tell them that sheriff Swan is your guardian and he has a lot of guns just waiting to be used.’ So she denied their offers just for their protection; then she noticed the same girl from this morning in her last class of the day. She sat right next to her and introduced herself as Renesmee Cullen. Ashley introduced herself trying to hide the jealousy in her voice, and that was when Renesmee had started to dig into a sore subject. “I saw you waving at Jacob this morning. How do you know him?”

“He and his father helped me move into my new home; Charlie invited them over to help and watch the game.”

“Oh so you live with Charlie? Why is that?”

“He adopted me.”

“Oh okay that sounds like him. And I apologize for Jacob’s behavior he’s just not much of a morning person.”

‘What did she mean by that sounds like him? What do I look like a charity case?’

“I have to ask are you Jacob’s girlfriend?”

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