Chapter 7: Hero

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Author's Notes: I do not own Twilight! Sorry for the late update! I also do not own the songs Say Something I'm Giving Up On You or Let Her Go.

Say Something I'm Giving Up On You

Chapter 7: Hero

“Why did I tell him that I was with Logan?” Ashley said to no one in particular.

“Well darling you went with your gut instinct. But in this case your gut feeling caused you to shove your foot in your mouth.” Said Charlie as he was getting ready for bed.

“Thanks dad you are so helpful!”

“I'm only telling you the truth. You tried to run from him so you dragged this Logan guy down with you.”

“It's because he's already with someone. Don't you get it dad he's with Renesmee so if we did this I would be labeled 'the other woman' or 'home wrecker' which both make me sound like a bad person.”

“I'm not against her but I think he likes you a bit more than her. I swear if Bella heard me say that she would have my head.”

“Dad what should I do?”

Well darling all I can say is keep going with your gut feeling. I can't control your life only you can. I can however use my gun if things get out of hand.”

She hugged Charlie from behind as he was brushing his teeth causing him to almost choke on the toothpaste.

~*~*~*~*Next Day*~*~*~*~

Ashley tried her best to avoid going outside because she knew that he'd be there and it was too soon for her to see him again. She was in one of her classes and she glanced out the window to see him laying down on a bench, and for a minute it looked like he was sleeping. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw Logan walking in his direction. She tried her best to be able to make out what they were saying.

~*~*~*~*Jacob and Logan*~*~*~*~

“Excuse me sir you're not allowed to loiter around this school.” Said Logan to Jacob.

“Who said?” Said Jacob.

“The principal and the rest of the faculty.”

“So why did they send a kid out to do their dirty work?”

“I'm not a kid I'm a senior.”

“Look kid I'm waiting for someone and I'm not leaving till I see her.”

“If you don't leave I'll have to call the police.”

“Go right on ahead kid I needed to talk to sheriff Swan anyways.”

“My name is not 'kid' it's Logan.”

Jacob snapped up into a sitting position and gave Logan a dark glare. “So you're the one who stole her.” He stood up at eye level with Logan; practically staring him down.

“Who are you even talking about? I didn't steal anybody.” Before Logan could say more Jacob drew his fist back and punched him in the jaw. Logan dropped to the floor; as Jacob was about to do more damage he saw someone coming from the building. “Logan!” Ashley came running towards them but to Jacob's disappointment she ran towards the other guy. What did this guy have that he could not give her?

“Jacob how could you do this? He did nothing to you!”

“You're sticking up for this guy? I barely even punched him and he fell down like a wimp.”

Charlie pulled up to the entrance since he got a call from a staff member about a dispute in front of the school.

“Okay Jacob do I even need to ask why you're here.”

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