Chapter 5: Look At Me

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Author’s Notes: I do not own Twilight and I also do not own the song Give Me a Sign by Breaking Benjamin.

Say Something I’m Giving Up On You

Chapter 5: Look at Me

After the whole scenario that occurred Ashley had felt somewhat closer to Charlie. It had been nearly a month since she moved to Forks but she still felt like the black sheep especially in school. There was the occasional flirty guy but they were only interested because she was still new compared to the other girls. Even with that unwanted attention she still felt like she was isolated from everyone. Wasn’t making friends a norm in school?

The hours ticked by as she sat through multiple classes and the multiple lectures on subjects she highly doubted the teacher even knew about. Finally the bell rang for their lunch hour and she didn’t feel like eating the strange looking cafeteria food. She saw as Renesmee finished talking to her friends and ran to the front of the building with a bright smile on her face; probably going to see her boyfriend Jacob. ‘Makes me sick.’ She shook it off and went to find someplace to keep her mind occupied until class started.

Then she heard the faint sound of a guitar playing; entranced by it she wandered into the music room and saw a boy sitting on the desk with a black acoustic guitar. She thought her eyes were playing tricks on her because he was the most handsome boy she had ever seen: he had dark hair and sky blue eyes. She finally realized that she went from admiring him to staring at him and tried to walk out of the room as stealthily as she could. Fate thought it would’ve been too easy to let her just slip out without being humiliated; she backed up and turned around only to find that she walked into the door frame.

Everything went dark but she could faintly hear a siverly voice. “Hey. Are you okay?” She opened her eyes regretting her decision when she was blinded by the classroom light. Her eyes focused on the boy who was outlined by the light. “Am I dead?”

He chuckled “Not yet. But you did fall pretty hard so I’m sure you have a nasty bump.” She tried to sit up but ended up laying back down cringing in pain. “Yeah I should’ve told you getting up would be a bad idea.” He helped her sit up against the wall; she held her head and felt the tender bump and winced at the touch. He left the room for a minute or two and came back with juice.

“You’ll be fine just sit there for a bit. Drink this it’ll help make you feel less lightheaded.” He said while handing her the bottle. His smile was as radiant as the sun and his laugh was music to her ears. “Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself my name is Logan. I just transferred here from New York, and sadly I don’t know many people here.”

“My name’s Ashley and I guess I am also new, and don’t worry I’ve been here for quite a while and I still don’t know many people.” She could feel her face heating up and tried to avoid having him look at her red face. He grabbed her hand and placed a light kiss on the back of her hand. They were both startled when they heard the sound of a loud crash. Ashley tried to get up but was failing miserably, and Logan helped her up and led her to the hallway. Her eyes widened when she saw that there was a hole in the brick wall. They looked around finding nothing out of the ordinary, but she was still curious about what or who made the hole in the wall.


Jacob had picked up Renesmee because Bella wanted her to come home for lunch that day. He was still confused here he was riding on his bike with the girl he supposedly loved but his mind still wandered to Ashley. He tried his best to give Renesmee the attention she needed but he just couldn’t put his mind or his heart into it at least not today. He dropped her off at her house and went back to his for a bit till she was ready to go back to school.

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