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*Layla's POV*
It's been a couple of days but I finally get to leave the hospital. Jonah told me that Taylor did it and I wouldn't doubt it if she did. The only thing I can remember is going to get some alone time and all of a sudden a car hit me. I heard a knock and let the person in "Hey short stuff, I got you some clothes to change into so we can leave" Corbyn said, he's like my big brother and I wouldn't trade him for the world. "Thanks corbs, for everything" I smiled while taking the clothes he just smiled and said "you're welcome" and walked out. I quickly changed into my clothes so I can hurry up and leave this place.

I walked out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth

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I walked out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my stuff. As soon as I was done Corbyn and Jack walked in the room. "Thanks for picking me up guys" I smiled at the both of them "no problem babe" Jack said kissing my cheek. I'm glad I have him back but I still worry hat he would cheat on me again, even though last time he was forced to. I got the rest of my things and headed out of the hospital when I got to the car Jonah was siting there waiting on us "hey jo!" I smiled when I got in "Hey Layla!" He smiled back. Jack and Corbyn let me sit in the front since I just got out of the hospital. The whole way home we listened to the boys' music and laughed the whole time.

We got to the house and the three boys hurried in leaving me behind. When I finally reached the door I opened it to the lights off. I turned them on and people jumped up and yelled "surprise". I jumped and smiled at everyone. A banner was hung up that said "Welcome Home!" I started crying when everyone came to hug me "thank you guys so much" I said in between tears "thank Jack and Zach. It was all their idea." Jonah said. "Thank you both" I said to them "you're welcome!" They yelled at the same time. I hugged them both again then walked away to greet some other guests. Logan and Jake were together and talking so I went up to talk to them. "Hey guys" I said "yoooo" they yelled in sync. I laughed at them and talked a little while longer.

Jack pulled me outside away from the party for a bit and I was glad. He held my hand while we walked to the rocks in the yard. He helped me up onto one, seeing as I broke my leg in the crash (did I mention that?), he quickly climbed on right beside me. "I have a question" he asked softly "what is it?" I answered looking into his eyes "will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked nervously "why are you nervous? Of course I will" I replied. He smiled and hugged me "Good. Dress Casually I guess." He said quickly "where are we going" I asked "it's a surprise. Let Zach pick out your outfit. He knows what's going on." He said laughing. "He knows where we are going but I can't?" I ask while laughing at him "of course. I needed someone to help" he winked. "Whatever Jack." I chuckled. "Lets go back in and tell everyone bye" he said, both of us realizing what time it was.

We walked in and Jack went to talk to the guys while I thanked everyone for coming. When everyone left, me and the boys started cleaning up a little bit before going to bed. "You go to bed, you need rest. We will finish this" Jack said kissing my forehead. I just smiled and nodded my head. I went up the stairs and changed into pajamas, before getting into the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. Today has been a great day and I couldn't be happier. I wonder where we are going tomorrow.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! I went on vacation Thursday and just got home yesterday. I promise to post as much as I can.

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