Ch 3: the New kid

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-2 years later-

Namjoon and Jin were now both 8 years old and Jimin had just turned 5. Jimin's legs had started to regain some feeling and they all hoped that will time Jimin would be able to walk.

Alarms rang through the building. Jack looked over to see the children looking panicked. "It's ok," Jack said "I'll go see what's going on.

Walking through the corridors. Jack could see a lot of doctors running and talking in hushed tones. "What in the hell is going on!" He yelled loudly. Mark ran over and pulled him aside. "It's one of the hybrids they've been testing on, He has gone out of control." "Mark what do you mean?" Jack ran his fingers through his hair "Just come see for yourself..."

Mark led jack over to a separate room. When Jack walked in he gasped. It was a horrific site. A child around five years old tied onto a bed. The child had bright golden eyes and scrawny sliver hair. Around the bed there were splotches of blood, there was so much blood that the smell was so strong that it causes a metallic taste in anyone who entered the rooms mouth. The child stared at Jack and then screamed whilst pulling on the restraints. Jack jumped in shock when the items on the wall to the left of him flew into the air before promptly dropping to the floor. This repeated a few times before he saw the child slump out of exhaustion. "what the-" One of the scientists burst into the room and dragged Jack out. "What the fuck do you think you were doing in there" "I went to see what all the commotion was about, what the hell just happened?!" Jack replied. "Well, it seems the little brat somehow acquired powers!" The scientist grabbed jacks hand and led him down the hallway "What?".

The scientist grabbed a card and swiped it opening a large metal door that led to the conference room. Inside were multiple scientists and government members sitting around a large table. "Jack, take a seat" Jack sat down on a seat next to Mark. The person at the head of the table began to speak. "I've gathered all of us here to discuss a new issue with the halflings, it seems one of them have developed some sort of telekinesis power. He's killed three scientists during testing today, and we are unsure whether the others will develop powers too. Jack I'm going to need you to watch the halfling 24/7." "That's no problem" Jack quickly responded. "Also I need the other three halflings for testing now." One of the scientists said sternly. Jack gulped and stood up from his chair before swiftly leaving the room. He walked over to the children's room and walked in. The kids were all sitting on the sofa looking worried. The tension in the air hung thick as Jack informed them they had to go for testing. Jimin sobbed as Jack picked him up from his wheelchair and Jack urged Namjoon and Jin to follow him. With a tired sigh, Namjoon grabbed Jin's hand and followed Jack out the room.

Jimin screamed and cried as Jack handed him over to another scientist who looked angrily at the screaming child that had just been handed to her. Jack ruffled Namjoon and Jin's hair as they entered the room. Jack knew they would never tell him what would happen in there. The horrors were too great for the children to talk about. The door slammed in front of Jack and with a sad sigh, he walked away.

Mark ran over as he saw Jack walking sadly through the corridor, He pulled Jack into an embrace. "It'll be ok, we need to attempt to bring the new kid to the children's room." Jack nodded in response.

When arriving at the room with the child inside, they could hear the sounds of screaming and items clattering. Mark pushed open the metal door and watched as Jack walked in. The young boy seemed to be in a daze as several items were flying around. His nose was bleeding and Mark pulled out his notebook from his pocket to write what was going on. The child snapped out of his daze when Jack stroked his forehead. Under the small touch, the boy visibly relaxed and all the items dropped to the floor. Mark undid all the straps that were attached to the boy and Jack picked him up. The boy clung to Jack like his life depended on it. Whilst breathing heavily the boy began to whisper "I didn't mean to" repeating it while sobbing. "It's ok," Mark said quietly. The child's golden eyes shone as he looked over at Mark. "I think I know what to call you" Mark looked over at the child. "Yoongi". "Yoon-gi?" Yoongi repeated back, and for the first time allowed himself to show a large gummy smile.

They all reached the room. Jack put Yoongi down and on shaky legs, Yoongi walked into the room. With a gasp, he looked around and smiled over at Mark and Jack. Mark waved over at Yoongi after he was called through his earpiece by other scientists and walked out the room. The door slammed shut and Jack looked over at Yoongi who was still in his bloody clothes. "Let's get you changed," Jack said whilst leading Yoongi into the bedroom.

---- 1 hour later ----

After a while, all the blood was off of Yoongi and he was now dressed in a new outfit. Jack let him pick and to Jack's surprise, all the clothes he picked were black.

Jack led Yoongi over to the gaming system but it seemed Yoongi did not like games and so he ended up just letting Yoongi watch TV.

Jack left the room to go meet up with Mark who was currently studying the results of the testing. Jack entered the room and heard Mark tutting. "Hey Jack," Mark said as Jack walked in. Jack walked over and leaned over Mark's shoulder. "What are the results?" "We haven't been able to see any but there's a chance they will show up. The powers showed up for Yoongi because he was angry at the people testing on him so we will just have to wait and see."

---- 2 hours later ----

It was time to introduce the children to Yoongi. Jack opened the metal door and placed Jimin on the sofa Namjoon and Jin sat tiredly next to him. Jack wiped Jimin's tears away and proceeded to tell them about their new friend. "Guys, we have a new friend staying with us his name is Yoongi so be nice to him." Jimin seemed to perk up at the news. Jack opened the bedroom door and saw Yoongi sitting on his bed making several items in the room float. "Yoongi?" Jack said. Yoongi moved all the items back in their original positions. He then looked over at jack with a smile. "Let's go meet the others ok? " Yoongi stood up and grabbed Jack's hand allowing Jack to lead him out the room.

Yoongi was anxious as he looked over at the others. "Introduce yourselves," Jack said. "I'm Jin and I'm Worldwide handsome!" "I'm Namjoon, hey" After Namjoon and Jin finished their introductions Jack added "And this is Jimin" whilst pointing at Jimin. Jimin timidly reached out his hand "Yoongi?" He questioned in a small voice. Yoongi grabbed his hand in response and smiled, Jimin smiled back.

Jack almost squealed at how cute they were but Jin got there first. Jin was interrupted when Mark burst through the door.

"One of the new kids have gone missing! "

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