Chapter 3

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Tails and Sonic has shown you around Station Square, you enjoyed it seeing that you made new friends made a small smile form on your face. You turned your head to look outside the window. After hearing about this Eggman fellow from your friends, you wanted to look out for him just in case.

Seeing no sign of him, you were met with a hastily series of knocks on the door. Sighing in complete annoyance, you flung the door open harshly being met with a frightened pink hedgehog and purple cat. Pushing the pink hedgehog out the way, you hugged the cat tightly.

"Haha, I haven't been seen you in ages (Y/N)!" The cat said, smiling happily.

The pink hedgehog dusted herself off in an annoying fashion, scoffing. "Wow Blaze your friend is so rude." She said as you two turned to stare at her. "Well, she learned from the best." Blaze commented with a smirk. 

The pinkett rolled her eyes before introducing herself. "Hello (Y/N), I am Amy Rose. Sonic and Tails said a lot about you." The glint in her green eyes told you to not get on her bad side.

"So, what have you been doing since I left?" Blaze questioned, tilting her head to the side. You shrugged trying to remember anything excited you've done. "Nothing much."

A loud 'eeeek!' erupted from your house, inverting your attention from the conversation there. When you and Blaze ran in, all you saw was Amy cowering in the corner and a metal dragon staring at her intently.

"Topper!" Blaze yelled, making the dragon tilt his head to gaze at her. Crossing her arms, Blaze stared at him sternly. "Stay down. She's not an enemy, yet..." Topper looked down and laid his head in his claws, looking embarrassed.

Patting his nose, you smiled as he shrunk in size seeing as the threat was gone. Amy peeked from her hiding spot before glaring daggers at you. "Why is there a dragon in your house!? Are you trying to kill me!?" She yelled harshly.

You glared back, standing defiant. "No, he just considered you as a threat that's all." You replied.

A Lovely (A/T) A Day, Keeps The Doctor AwayWhere stories live. Discover now