Chapter 3: Help.... I cant Breathe

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Amora's POV

Walking out of geometry I spot Erik.

He's a senior. I'm a junior.

He looks at me and smiles. Walking over to me he runs his fingers through his black charcoal hair.

"Sup Ray," he's now standing in front of me. I look up at the tall male and give him a smile.

Back when I was an 8th grader and he was a freshman I would hear rumors of him. Of how he used to cut strings. Like a lot of strings.

Hearing this I would see him at the store or at a restaurant. He would be with his little brother. Never saw any parents.

I always told myself that there could be no possible way this man could hurt a fly. His soft blue eyes could heal a broken smile. His black hair always neat and clothes ironed.

One weekend I walked up to him at the store and gave him a little nudge.

"Hey, I'm Amora!" He would stare back at me as if I was crazy. But he smiled.

"Um..... I'm Erik," we shook hands and ever since that day we've been friends.

People don't always get this, but a simple hello can make someone's day. Later that month I learned he was depressed.

The rumors about him cutting strings hurt him and he couldn't do anything about it. One time he even was taken to jail because someone turned him in.

The only way he got out was when he said he had a little brother to take care of. I guess the police saw he was harmless and let him go.

I also learned that his parents were born without strings and they ended up falling in love at a young age. His mother gave birth to him at the age of 15 and his brother at the age of 23.

Both his parents died young. His father was murdered and his mother committed suicide shortly after.

I kept him close and helped him with his brother Quinton. I don't think I understand how much I mean to Erik.

Nowadays people go up to him and he's one of those people that everybody wants to know. I feel like I'd know him best though.

"How are you?" Erik asks and I'm pulled out of my thoughts and into reality.

His soft gaze lingers on me when I answer. "I'm ready for this day to be over, that's for sure!" I giggle and we walk each other to our lockers.

"Oh my gosh same. You have no idea!" He looks ahead of him and we make our way through the crowded hallway of Balboa High.

Julian's POV

Walking out of Advanced Calculus I bump into a girl.

She stumbles and trips over her own feet.

I try to grab her wrist but before I can help her she lands right on her butt.

"Oof!" She lets out a grunt then starts to rub her behind.

"Oh, I'm so so so sorry! That was my fault!" I lean down and help her pick up some books.

"Ha, you're fine. I've fallen on my butt probably five times today!" She gives a quick laugh and I help her up.

"I'm Alice by the way. I'm new here." She flashes a big smile before I take her hand.

"I'm Julian," her grip is firm but looking down I see that her shirt is buttoned wrong. Not only that, but also that she missed a belt loop and her shoes are on the wrong feet.

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