chapter 2

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Marie's pov
I awoke to an empty bed which was usual for me now days. Cole was never home since our our children were growing up and he went back to work and i had to stay home with them. I was brought out of my thoughts by Aiden jumping on the bed and scaring me. I grabbed him and kissed his cheeks as he says"good morning mommy." Rose and James comes in the room and ask "mom, what is for breakfast?" "what do you want for breakfast?" i asked while setting Aiden down and putting my robe on to cover my pjs and my house shoes. We all went downstairs and i see that Aiden had already pulled stuff out for pancakes. So i get started on making pancakes and soon they were done. I gave them all a plate and they started eating and i sat down to eat as they finished eating as i finished. I gathered up all the dishes and clean them since i cleaned all the pan. As i was putting everything away, i heard the door bell, i went to the door and saw a little girl about Aiden's age and a man. " hello, i'm Mrs. Smith and you are?" i asked as Aiden comes up and hides behind me. " I'm W. Jackson, and this is Olivia Jackson. " Mr. Jackson says. " well its nice to meet both of you and this is Aiden Smith, please call me Marie." I say as i let him in. Mr. Jackson walks around the living room and stops at one picture while we waiting on Aiden to get his stuff. " um, Marie, who is this guy in this family photo of you and your husband and kids?" Mr. Jackson asked. " that was my brother Wesley Jackson and i dont know what happened to him but i know with Aiden, he wasn't too happy about me pregnant and the stress cause Aiden to come early so i have to keep a close eye on him. " i say as Aiden comes running in the room. " sweetie you know you're not suppose to be running . " i say to Aiden. " I'm sorry mommy." Aiden says while hugging me. I smile as Mr. Jackson stays quiet while thinking. " will you keep a close eye on him please?" i ask. " i will." Mr. Jackson says. " thank you and Aiden, you be safe okay and have fun." i say as i walk them to the front door. After i close the door my phone goes off. I answer it and see it's cole saying" I'm coming home for lunch and relaxation." " okay, you can have some pancakes and fruit. " i say while laughing as i sent the message as Cole walks in. I smile.
* time skip*
Cole was still at home but asleep in our bed. Rose and James came home after going to the mall with some of their friends from school. Finally, Aiden comes in the front door and hugs me. He then tells me about his day at the park.

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