chapter 7

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    *Marie's point of view*
My kids and I have just arrived in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The kids and I got in a taxi and had it to carry us to a hotel for the night.
        * an hour later*
We arrive at a hotel and we check in and I get the kids in bed and I sat down on the couch looking on my phone for houses and found one for cheap. I called the number and was surprised the guy answered. "Hello how may I help you, I'm Edward Anderson. " Edward said."um, yes I was calling about the house 320 Miller rd.? " I asked. "Uh, it is still for sale, would you like to look at it tomorrow night?" Edward asked. " yes, I would like to, but sir I dont have a car yet." I say a little nervous. " that's ok, I can pick you up or meet you there if u like?"Edward asked. "You sure, cause I have three kids?" I asked. " that's fine." Edward said. " okay, what time?" I asked. "Around 8:30pm, what hotel? " Edward asked.  "Um its the big one by the beach."I say. "Oh, its the Myrtle Beach Hotel." Edward says. "Okay, I will see you tomorrow." I say. "Okay,I will see you then." Edward says as he hangs up. I plug my phone up and go to sleep feeling nervous about tomorrow night.

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