Don't You Have, Like, A Life?

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Marinette glared at Chat unamusedly. He stood there, signature smirk in place, waiting for her to 'entertain him'. Marinette crossed her arms, leaning her weight on her other foot. Chat stared back at her. It was a silent contest, who would falter first. Who would break the silence.

Of course, it was Chat.

His ears drooped, and he looked considerably less amused. "What, you're not going to entertain me?" he pulled a face, his pout obviously faulty and the desperate look in his eyes tacked-on. 

"Nope. Why are you even here? Don't you have better things to do, like patrol?" Marinette replied, sitting at her desk and pulling out her sketchbook. She flipped to her most recent work-in-progress, a long, flowy pink dress with floral embroidery. 

"I'm taking a break from patrol. M'lady isn't around to get on my case, anyway, princess," Chat whispered the last part as if sharing a secret, shooting Marinette a wink. She giggled not only at Chat's words, but the hilarious irony that they instilled. She released a deep, exaggerated sigh, pulling herself out of the comfortable chair.

"Your 'lady' is always watching, Chat Noir. Also, my parents are home. Mind keeping it down?" Marinette pretended to zip Chat's lips, giving him a smirk. She then made her way to the trap door, opening it and escaping through the bottom.

Chat sighed. When she was coming back, he had no way to tell. He decided to wait for her, looking around her room. Everything was just so... pink. There were also designs tacked on the walls, along with posters, he noticed, of... him. Of the ever-popular Adrien Agreste. He let his lips curl into a tiny smile, knowing of her crush. Of course, he knew. Everyone in Paris knew. Then again, everyone in Paris also had a crush on him.

You see, before, he was so infatuated with Ladybug to even notice. Then, when the tiniest shred of doubt of his chances with Ladybug came through, he did notice. He noticed Marinette, his strong-willed yet ever awkward classmate. She was cute, no doubt about it. And he knew that at any moment she'd be happy to accept any offer of dating with him. At least, until one little detail came into play.

Nathanael Kurtzberg was the one snag in his perfect plan. The plan being, of course, to make Marinette fall for Chat Noir. Nathanael was the one who was ruining everything because he had to go along and make Marinette love him. And, of course, she did. She was enamored with the tomato head, and Chat didn't know how to turn that love over to himself. Nathanael had played it smart. He had claimed the first move in the chess match. Now, it was up to Chat to make his move.

"Why are you still here? Don't you have, like, a life?" Marinette asked from behind him, "And who invited you to crawl in my bed?"

Was he in her bed? He never noticed. He was so deep in thought about what to do next that he had never considered one tactic he could use: his good ol' Chat Noir charm.

"Hey, look what the cat dragged in. She's finally returned," Chat quipped, sliding out of Marinette's bed smoothly, "And I'll have you know that my life is pawsitively purrfect, I'm just seeing if you need more amewsment in yours."

Marinette giggled and put her hands on her hips, "So many puns and you'll hurt yourself, Chat!"

Good, Chat got a giggle. This was a good start, right? He needed to be her friend first. However, he needed to stay a safe distance from the friend zone, too...

"Chat, c'mere. I need you to model for me," Marinette smiled, sitting once again in her chair.

"I'm a great model, princess," Chat smirked, turning and flexing his muscles in an 'impressing' manner, "Like what you see?"

"No, Chat. You need to be a tree. I need measurements, not impressing photos of a superhero in my bedroom!" Marinette chuckled.

"Of course, princess. A superhero in your bedroom! How scandalous, don't you think?" He raised an eyebrow amusedly, causing Marinette to add, "Oh, the humanity! Whatever have I been doing in here?" dramatically.

The next few hours were spent with Chat being a model, to his irony. Apparently, Marinette was making a tuxedo that would match the flowy pink dress. To her luck, she had a very compliant and surprisingly good-at-his-job male model on hand. If you don't count the incessant flirting, of course.

But, who was gonna keep the king of flirts from his throne?


I am the most disappointing author ever I'm sorrrryyyyy. I had some personal stuff and 4 FRACKING soccer games this week, plus auditions are coming up for next year's orchestra and just UGH I am DYING out here man SEND HELP. PLEEEAAAASSSEEE send suggestions. (BTW I like your T or D suggestion but I'm gonna use that later ;)) Okay I'm done complaining so you can go about your business. I'm not sure when I'll update (hopefully soon) but the next chapter SHOULD be longer. Anyways, bye, beautiful losers.




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