I'm Overthinking It - New Song By Adrien ft. His Lack of A Loving Family

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Marinette had not, in any way, made Adrien's life easier during school. She was the most tempting sight he had ever seen. No one could deny she was beautiful, sure. But most weren't imagining pinning her up against the wall and kissing her numb.

In short, Adrien was dying sitting in front of her. It was embarrassing, she had caught him peeking once in a while. His face would light afire with blush and he would whip his head around to face forward.

But one thing had Adrien not so blushy: Nathanael.

Of course, he and Marinette were together in any available situation. He was like some kind of leech that couldn't detach himself from her. He was like the earth, not being able to escape the sun's gravitational pull. He, was, well, making Adrien VERY jealous. How dare he be so close to his girl, right?

But she wasn't Adrien's girl.

She was Nathanael's.

Adrien still needed to find a way to shift her focus onto him. But how...? Well, to be fair, he wanted her attention on Chat, not Adrien. Adrien was Chat's little investigator. Adrien was... the information gatherer. He was there to find every little detail that Chat could exploit.

To be honest, he felt a little bad. He was trying to destroy Marinette's relationship, to say the least. She was happy, right? It was hard for him to admit, but Adrien knew that Nathanael made Marinette very happy. He knew how much she cared for him. He knew how much he cared for her. They were in 'love', after all. As much in love a couple of 16-year-old kids can be. Did Adrien truly want to take that away from them? Did he want to risk hurting the both of them to get what he wanted?

Well, Adrien didn't, as Marinette's friend.

But Chat would do anything to get what he wanted.

Adrien snapped back into focus as he realized that class had ended. He gathered his things swiftly and left with purpose, not wanting to be invited to any after-school hangouts. It wasn't that he didn't want to go out with his friends; his friends did, however, consist of Alya, Nino, and Marinette, which meant any plans most likely included her. Adrien didn't think he could handle that.

As he left the classroom, Adrien glanced back to see his friends all looking back at him with confusion across their faces. He saw Marinette specifically, who seemed the least bothered by his rushed exit. She was a little preoccupied with Nathanael, however, who seemed to be discussing something of importance with her. He had a solemn expression, with a hint of... something else. Desperation? Adrien couldn't tell clearly what he was trying to convey with his quick glance. He decided he would have to find out later. 

Or, rather, a certain cat would have to visit to investigate.

I wonder what he wanted. Sure, he was stuck to her all day, but this seemed... different. He looked like he needed her help. Geez, the guy couldn't live without her.

That thought sent a pang of guilt through Adrien. How could he bring himself to break these two up if they so clearly depended on one another? How would Nathanael feel, worse, how would Marinette feel if he were to tear them apart? And Marinette would know it was Chat's fault. Maybe she would hate them. Maybe she would blame herself. She might think it was her fault for choosing another over Nathanael and blame herself for his pain. That would make her feel awful, and then she might not even want to be with Chat after that. Even then he couldn't try as Adrien because she would still be in pain over his pain, right?

Adrien took a deep breath to compose himself. He was overthinking it. It wouldn't be as bad as he was making it out to be. It was simple: Marinette would fall for Chat, break it off with Nathanael, and everyone would have a jolly old time. Well, maybe not Nathanael. Hey, it was his fault for being in the way of Adrien and his girl, right?

So Adrien strolled home with hope in his heart for his beloved Marinette and only the slight fear of rejection and self-blame looming over him.

Okay sorry this is short but I needed to post something to prove that I'm not avtually dead.

Okay see you soon



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