Beat me at my own game...

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Entering the Computer lab...

For some strange reason I have a bad feeling entering the computer lab, I'm not so sure why I'm feeling this, but it's just a feeling...

???: What are you doing here?

Crystal: Ah!

I jumped and saw Ernest working on his computer but he closed the Window before I could see it...

Hmmmmmmmm... SUSPICIOUS ...

What is he hiding?

Porn?... Popcorn?... Pokemon?... Pokemon Popcorn Porn?!... Urgh!! What exactly is he hiding!?!?

Crystal: Umm... Hi I'm Crystal Yeap. Nice to meet you again...Ernest?

Ernest: You are named after a rock? Did your parents just hate you when you were born?

Crystal: My parents loved me when I was born and they gave me an AWESOME name. Thank you very much!

Ernest: You still haven't answered my question.

Crystal: What question?

Ernest: What are you doing here?

Crystal: It's free period right now, so I thought of surfing the internet. What are you doing here?

Ernest: I also come here to surf the internet.

..........Beat me at my own game.........

Crystal: But what do you EXACTLY do in here?

Ernest: ...

Crystal: ?

Ernest: ...Porn... (No expression)

I... is he joking?...hmm... I can't really tell.

Crystal: Um okay, then I'll just use that computer over there. *pointed to the other side of the computer lab*

Ernest: ... *goes back to using his computer*

Crystal: What's up with him? One second he was following me like a completely random stalker and the next second he became as cold as ice with no expression. (thinking)

I MUST FIND OUT WHAT HE IS DOING! Or what kind of dirty website he is going to...So that I could expose him to the school... Muhahahaha! Just kidding! I'm not that bad and besides he still got a long way to be on my Hate list.

Gotta act normal. I'll wait a while, and then sneak over and look.

............A few minutes later............

Alright! It's been a while, now time for some SNOOPING !

He's looking at his computer screen, I just have to sneak over quietly...

AAaaand.... the tab is opened to an article!



Crystal: Does he likes reading paranormal news or something?(thinking)

The search bar has a street address typed into it, and it looks pretty close to our school.

That's kind of worrying somehow... but I guess it shouldn't be... Right?

Ernest: You need something?



Just gotta act normal, like I came over for totally non-stalkery reasons.

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