Chapter 1

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This story took place on a rainy day. I was crying. Most stories start happy. Mine doesn't. 

My mother passed away you see and my dad has lost everything. 

my story is complicated but to summarise it my dad gambles a lot, he never had time for us, his family, he closed down the train companies about a month ago. He said he wanted to do something he enjoyed. 

That's when he began to gamble. My mother was a kid hearted woman. My father began to ignore her. He slept around, he even brought woman home, strange woman who would borrow my clothes the next morning. They would always mail them back ripped and torn. My mum won't break up with him. She told me it was just a fase of his life. 

A week after it started I noticed mum had began to get skinnier. She wasn't eating. She wanted to become prettier for my father but that didnt seam like it was working. 

About a week ago my father had asked one of the woman to move into our house, to become his mistress. she had short brown hair and big breasts. she wasn't nice. she thought mum was a maid and made her work around the house. 

A few days ago. my mother committed suicide.

She left me a note saying she regretted leaving me. She told me to live happy and not to hate my father. 

It was all over the news paper. "woman kills herself over husbands cheating" I did as she said though. I'm sure he didn't mean to make her kill herself. 

I knew this because when she died he cried. he hadn't cried in such a long time. Even though he didn't mean to I-- 

Today was the funeral. It was held in my mothers home town. A small place but she loved it. That woman was there, the woman who my father asked to live with us. Her name was shiori. 

After the funeral we went home to find a letter. my father found out he had become bankrupt from the gambling. Shiori said we could live with her. 

She had a small 3 bed room house in another town. my father agreed to it and sold the house without asking me. 

We packed up as fast as we could and leaft our amazing house. 

It took two days to get there. I was sitting on the cold wooden floor of my new room cuddling a doll my mother gave me. the room wasn't big it had an old bed, a broken mirror and what looked like a wardrobe. I was crying into the doll. 

I didn't no what else to do. It all happened so fast. I wished that she had taken me with her, to that place up in the clouds, even if it might not be real.

Shiori made us dinner we ate a cheep ready made ramen. it tasted like rubber but I was thankful. she was trying to be helpful to us. well I hope she was. father kept on flirting with her and by the end of the night I could hear them. even on the night your wife was buried you cheat. he disgusts me. I no she said for me not to hate them but it's hard not to since it's their fault. 

I decided to just try and get some sleep, to be honest I wouldn't mind if i didnt wake up.

I ended up waking up the next morning with a sore back. I was told by shiori that I would be going to the local high school. I used to go to st fiore for girls but I guess father can't afford it anymore

I heard a knock at my door "Lucy!" I heard her say. "Are you going to get up? the bus leaves in thirty minutes" I got up and went to the door
"Okay then" I said pushing the door against her. "I will get changed and come down" she walked away and I began to he ready. 

Last night she also gave me a old uniform hers. 

Everything is so fast. I didn't think I was even going to go today. The uniform looked smart. It was all in black. black blazer, black shoes, black skirt, black socks, black tie and a white shirt. 

I didn't feel happy at all. I looked like I was going to a funeral. I looked at my arm. it still hurt from the cuts. I would rather not get into all of that right now. 

I put a black bow in my hair and put some make up on. I made my bed up and headed down stairs .

"Shiori just some, like £100?" I walked into the kitchen to find dad begging shiori for some money
"I can't I'm low on money, but I'm getting another job soon so we will be getting more money" she said as she patted him on the head and went to the counter where she was making a sandwich
"Well then give me the money then you will have the job and get paid!" he said slowly getting off of his knees.
"No I'm sorry babe but we need this money to eat" he sighed and sat down. 

I walked into the room making my presence known. Shiori put the butter down and looked at me "Lucy! you look so cute!" she ran up to me. I looked to the mirror to my left and looked at myself. I looked sad,depressed an angry but 'Cute'? I turned back to her
"Shouldn't I leave the bus leaves in ten minutes?" I said fixing my hair.
"Oh yes!" she said running back to the counter. she quickly finished the sand which and put it in a brown bag. she then out the bag into what looked like a school bag. "Here! have fun!" she said handing me the bag
"Thanks" I said as I left the house. 

If she wasn't so nice I could actually hate her but she's so kind. I thought she was a thoughtless slut. she might still be though. 

I walked out of the gate and headed down to the main road. I spotted the bus stop across the road. I ran over to it up to it and waited. I looked across the road and saw a boy in the same uniform as I was in, I hadn't noticed him when I was running. He had pink hair and a white checked scarf around his neck. He was playing on a gameboy. "Why's he on that side?" I thought to my self "Ehm- e-excuse me?" I said going back across the road. 

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