Chapter 9

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I knew I was dreaming but she seemed so real. everyone said we looked so alike. she wore her old jumper that she knitted and we favourite jeans. she smiled at me "hello Luce". I ran up to we and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

"if I'm dreaming I never want to wake up!" I exclaimed. she laughed at me. I let go and stared at her. her hair suddenly turned black. "m-mother?" her eyes died red. her clothes disappeared and she was dripping in blood. "w-wha-what is going on?" I asked looking at her. she smiled scarly. 

"what's wrong Luce" echoed in my head. "it's your mummy" suddenly my hands were covered in blood. I screamed. "come here Luce" she began walking towards me "give your mummy a kis-" I suddenly woke up screaming as loud as I could. 

Natsu jumped out of bed and ran to me. "Luce?! Luce what's wrong?!" I stopped and stared at him. what was that? tears fell from my eyes.
"I had a night mare a-about my mother" I buried my head into my legs and couldn't stop crying.
"Luce..." he lifted my head up and I looked in his eyes. I was still crying. "it's okay Luce" he pulled me into his bare chest where I cried. 

it felt like i cried for days. I saw her but I'm not sure what happened. "Luce, it's 4:30am, it's been 30 minutes" I stopped and sat back. 

"S-Sorry" I apologised. he thought for a moment the said 

"Sit here" I shuffled the edge of the bed. he jumped to the side where I was sitting before and laid down in my bed. "there if there's any more nightmares just wake me up" I lay next to him and pulled the covers over us. he wrapped his arms around me in the bed and whispered "night". I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. that was the best sleep I have had in a long time. 

The alarm went off. I opened my eyes to find myself face to face with natsu. I blushed hard. I quickly sat up and switched it off. "5 more minutes" natsu mumbled. I pinched his arm and he woke up. "what?!" he asked.
"Get up school is today" I got out of bed when I heard him.
"It was amazing I wish you could of came with me, the hotel was so nice". I suddenly panicked. natsu was in my room, shirtless, we shared a bed and now he was home.
"I know but I had to look after Lucy" shiori replied.
"I'm sure she can look after her self"
"I know but it's bonding time" I turned to face natsu who was in a state of shock.
"Oh by the way why is there two school bags at the front door?" he asked.
"Ehm I found another one so lucy can chose which one she likes better, there is a difference" shiori made up an excuse.

"Luce, what do we do?" whispered natsu.
"Speaking of her I should go say good morning" he began to walk up the stairs.
"Hide!" natsu ran into my closet and I closed the doors. 

I put his clothes under my bed and but his bed behind the wardrobe. the sore slowly opened. I ran over to the mirror and pretend to fix my hair. "Lucy I'm home" I turned to face him "oh hello father". He stunk of alcohol. he hugged me
"I hope we are okay now" I awkwardly squirmed. he left go of me. I could tell that he was still drunk. "I have to say you have bigger breasts than your mum" I went red with embarrassment.
"Father! please get out I need to get ready!" I exclaimed. he staggered out of my room and I closed the door. 

Natsu fell out of the wardrobe. I was still red. "th-that doesn't normally happen". he stood up and smiled.
"Guess we should get ready." there was no way I could go out and get dressed in the bathroom father would think something was up. neither could natsu if father went to the toilet.
"You face that was and I will face this way" he nodded and we both turned. I took my top off and reached for my shirt. I buttoned it up and took my pj bottoms off. I pulled my drawer open and took out pants. I quickly took mine off and put another pair on.
"Eh Luce?" I froze. did he see. I looked over my shoulder. he was in his boxers. he held my pj bottoms up. "eh, where do you want these. I was still frozen. he only had his boxers on. I had my shirt half buttoned up and in my pants. "Uhhhhhhhh...."
"Ju-Just put them under my pillow." I folded my arms. he blushed hard.
"O-Okay". I turned back around and finished the buttons. I slipped my skirt on and pulled on my socks. I tied my tie and walked over to the mirror. 

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