Chapter 7

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Everyone gasped, even natsu. Evergreen looked sad "Now I feel bad" levy smiled

"There's more too it than the news papers said" she continued. "her dad was also addicted to gambling which got them bankrupt so they had to sell their mansion. Don't you guys remember the heartifilia train lines?" they all sat back thinking and then leaned in again. Levy sighed and looked towards the building. "I feel sorry for her" everyone nodded in agreement.

"She didn't even tell us the rest" natsu folded his arms. He knew a bit more.

I went inside the building and got her books. "psst Erza" I heard jellal whisper. I crept along to where I heard it. I peaked around the corner. Erza was asleep with her head on the table. Jellal was next to her playing with her hair. She suddenly moved and looked at him. He smiled and answered "Are we going to continue" she sat up and looked at the sheets. She shook her head and replied

"I will fix it tonight. She laid her head on jellals shoulder and fell asleep.

"Ehm Lucy?" I heard from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw natsu standing there. He looked sad.

"What's wrong?" I whispered pushing him away from jellal and Erza. He hugged me. I remembered levy telling them. He didn't know. I wrapped my hands around him and he whispered

"Let it out" suddenly tears began to flow down my cheeks. He hugged me tighter. "it's okay" he said rubbing my back "it's okay" He let go of me and looked at me.

He could see through my make up. My bruises from my father. He took my arm. I pulled it away.

You may be wondering why I cut my self. It's simple but at the same time it's not. It's got nothing to do with my father or mother. Well a bit. But it was to do with my old school. Sure I loved it but only because my mums dream was to go there. Before she met my father and they fell 'in love' she lived in a poor family. My grandmother was a cleaner for the school so my mum helped out. She saw how big and fancy it was. She promised her self that one day if she had a daughter she would send her to the school. When the day came I asked to go. She wasnt going to send me but I owed her it. At first it was nice but then you got to know people. They said I was fat and ugly. The words were trapped in my head. They bullied me. I never told my mother though. If I did she would move me and it would break her heart. When my only friend die-. I might tell you that another time.

He took it back and pulled my sleave up to reveal my cuts. I looked away. A tear fell from my cheek. They were fresh as well. I haven't stopped. I still aim to be the perfect girl. I no its not right but when I stop I feel like my whole body slows down. He pulled up my other sleeve and it was the exact same. He then took my jacket off and in was from my shoulders down to my hands. I held me whilst i was looking away. He pulled my face towards him. I began to cry again. He didn't hold me. He just stared at me. He gave me my blazer back and I quickly put it back on. He smiled at me and took my hand. "let's get out of here" I looked confused.

We began to run. Out side. Out of the school. Onto the street. Into the public.

We were at a park. Sitting on the grass. I was still confused. "why are we here?" I asked. He sat next to me.

"Because" he said. "there's a train to the next town is 15 minutes." the park we were in was the one next to the train station. I looked confused at him. If I'm right in the next town over is Koon. In Koon today is the festival of peace.

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