Chapter 28

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Hey! So thought I'd say thanks for the comments and stuff!
It's fun talking to you guys!

Flash back

"BYE LISANNA!" a young natsu shouted from his door. he was waving with his hand high in the air. he looked about 6. it was one year before his parents adopted Gajeel. Wendy was inside his mother. she was 5 months in.

"Natsu! Nashi is going to be here soon!" Gradaline shouted.

"Really mummy?! is her tea ready?!" he ran over to her

"Of course it is, is Lisanna gone now?"

"Yup! she said she is really excited for the baby! another one too our family!" Gardaline laughed at the pink haired boy

"Tell her she can come anytime" Natsu sighed

"Mum, the boys were teasing me at school for hanging out with a girl! I want to be friends with them" Gardaline looked at him. he was about to begin crying.

"It's alright, make one friend and more will come, like that Gray boy, your good friends right?"

"Gray?! he is but he is also my rival!"

"Try being more friendly then"



A girl with light blue hair burst through the doors. she looked about 16. "nashi, there you are". the girl kicked her shoes off and dumped her bag on the floor

"Sorry, the boys wanted to finish of the scene"

"How far are you with this project?"

"Hmm 63%" they both burst out laughing when Natsu stepped in front of his mother

"NASHI!" he squealed.

"Natsu! there's my big boy!" she picked him up and spun in a circle, she then put him back down. "was Lisanna here today?" she asked

"Yeah! she was!" natsu exclaimed

"Popular with the girls I see" she teased

"Oh, Derek wrote-"

"He did?!"


"Who is Derek?" I asked Natsu in the middle of his story.

"My sisters boyfriend, I hated him. he had moved away to America and was meant to be coming home soon, that's what the letter said at least"

Flash back

"FIVE WEEKS!" Nashi celebrated. she froze and then turned to Natsu. "don't tell anyone!" she shouted at him

"I-I won't!" he promised. she linked pinkies with him and stood back up.

"I should go out shopping tomorrow, shouldn't I, yes I should, maybe Lia, no she's too smart, Karin? Dakota? Gene? Joli?.." her voice drifted off as she headed up stairs.

"Mum why doesn't she want me to tell anyone?"

"You know her she is easily paranoid" she walked into the kitchen to begin dinner. Natsu remained in the hall. he looked up stairs

"Stupid Derek!" he muttered to himself. he went into the living room to play with his toy "he has to wreck everything"


"why did you hate Derek?" I asked.

"When I was younger I caught him cheating on my sister. I tried to tell her but she didn't believe me. he laughed his way through it which made me hate him" he stayed silent for a moment "so then what happened?" I asked.

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