Chapter One

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""gguk... eongguk... Jeongguk!"

Jeongguk woke with a start as he looked up at his best friend Jimin who was standing above him with a hand on his hip and his eyebrow raised sassily.
"What Jimin?" Jeongguk responded, wiping his eyes of sleep and sitting up with a groan and a yawn.
"You're going to be late for school. Just yesterday you were saying you needed to be on time now because mocks are approaching yet here you are with only thirty minutes before your first class, still in bed." Jimin said with a smirk, laughing at the shocked expression spreading across Jeongguk's face as his words sunk in.
"I'm late! "God! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" Jeongguk shouted as he sprang from his bed and ran around the small room he shared with his friend, picking up any random pieces of clothing that looked clean enough to wear.
"Where's the fun in that?" Jimin laughed, picking up a pair of socks and throwing them to Jeongguk. The latter of the two rushing into the bathroom to wash himself up in the limited time he has left before his morning class started.
In just fifteen minutes Jeongguk had washed up, got dressed, packed his bag, hit Jimin and was on his way to his university, walking slightly faster than he usually would. Luckily for him, he reached his lesson only a couple of minutes late, his teacher just taking a quick register of the students in the class, silently praying he got there before his name was called.
"Jeon Jeongguk?"
Jeongguk sighed in relief, stretching his long limbs out and taking out his notebook. He was top in the class and he was not going to let that change any time soon.
"Kim Taehyung?"
"Kim Taehyung?"
The teacher hummed and continued on the register, barely acknowledging that the bubbly student was not in attendance. Jeongguk felt slight relief at this. He may be the top of the class right now but he knew that if anyone were to overtake him it would be this Kim Taehyung person, there were times when their scores would be so similar that Jeongguk would make sure to revise even harder for the next test so that it would not happen again. Little did he know that this was the same for the other. Taehyung would try endlessly to beat Jeongguk's grades and keep his family happy but the brown haired boy would always top him in both of the classes they had together.
The music class was going smoothly and Jeongguk was understanding everything but the sudden bang of the classroom door broke him out of his focus and caused a heavy scowl to settle on his face. Jeongguk rolled his eyes as he took in the panting form of Taehyung, his lip busted and a purple bruise gracing his right cheekbone. The two boys locked eyes and Taehyung smirked causing Jeongguk to quickly face his notes again to hide the light blush that started to spread on his cheeks.
"You're late Taehyung..." the teacher spoke casually from the front of the classroom.
"Sorry, Miss! I'll try to not let it happen again." He responded with a cheeky box grin.
"Ask one of the other's for the notes you have missed, you know I won't be helping you if you're going to skip half of my class for some petty brawl."
Taehyung bowed in apology before walking over to where Jeongguk sat. Placing a hand on his desk Taehyung smiled down at Jeongguk. The younger groaning in realisation as he figured he was the chosen one. Taehyung just grinned wider and sat down whilst also taking out his own notes folder and looking expectantly at Jeongguk.
"I'm not going to give them to you now... If you want them that bad come to my dorm later. I'm not going to miss the rest of the lesson just to catch you up on something you should have been here to learn." Jeongguk said sassily before turning away from Taehyung and continuing to make notes.
Don't get him wrong, Jeongguk is not a bad person, he was just not ecstatic about sharing his hard work with someone he considered an enemy. Especially when mocks were coming up and he was determined to be at the top of the class again.
Not long after the class ended and Jeongguk was just about to leave when a large, cold hand wrapped around his wrist, holding him in place. He looked at the culprit, his heartbeat increasing slightly as he looked into the eyes of his captor a small confused frown tracing his lips.
"How am I supposed to come to you for notes when you haven't told me your dorm number?" Taehyung asked, his grip around Jeongguk's wrist not letting up.
Jeongguk sighed before pulling out a piece of paper awkwardly from his pocket and trying to pull his hand away from Taehyung's so he could write his dorm information on it.
"Don't worry about writing it down. I have an amazing memory." Taehyung said.
"Room 137, it is in the Knights Block," Jeongguk replied, finally freeing his wrist and walking out of the class. Taehyung's eyes burning into his back as another blush spread across his face. What was wrong with that guy?
'It must be warm today.' Jeongguk thought as he ignored the slight drag in his chest.
A few hours later Jeongguk is relaxing on his bed singing aloud in the peace of his own company. His earlier commitment to Taehyung out of his memory as the rest of the day's events replayed through his mind. Despite being late this morning, his day had been pretty good. He met up with Jimin and his friend Yoongi at lunch and had fun getting to know the mint-haired boy, learning some weird things such as his desire to be a rock in his next life but also some cool things such as how he wants to be a rapper. One thing Jeongguk could see however was the way Jimin held onto every sound that left the older's mouth, his eyes shining in admiration and adoration. Jeongguk was definitely going to tease him about that later for sure. Laughing quietly to himself he rolled over to pick up his phone from where it had fallen off of his bed. He tittered dangerously on the edge of his bed his hand so close to reaching his phone... it was just there... he could feel the slightly cold metal on the tip of his finger... he was so... close...
Bang! Bang! Bang!
With a start and a frightened squeal, Jeongguk fell off his bed and landed with a heavy thump onto the laminated floor. Cursing quietly to himself he rubbed his chest to ease the pain of the intense impact as he stood up and walked to the door ready to shout at the annoying person who had caused him to fall so ungracefully. He swung open the door and opened his mouth ready to verbally abuse the poor soul before he stopped himself and looked in confusion at the blonde haired boy in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, not remembering how he had told him to come over just a few hours ago.
"Umm, the notes from today... remember?" Taehyung replied awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck searching for some way to release some of the tension in the atmosphere.
"Oh right yeah, sorry. Of course, come in." Jeongguk said as he stepped aside to let Taehyung into his dorm.
It was then that Jeongguk took the time to look at his dorm and realise that as he had forgotten about his visitor, he had forgotten to tidy up. Strewn across the floor were shoes, odd socks, random clothes and underwear; pens, books and random charger leads also took up the majority of space there was in the small room. Jeongguk hung his head in embarrassment before rushing to tidy up the small space so his underwear was not in view of the other and so there was also a space for Jeongguk to sit and show Taehyung the notes. Taehyung just laughed and flung his bag onto the floor next to what he guessed was Jeongguk's bed owing to the family photo on the wall next to it.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm a guy too! My room looks just like this." He chuckled as he threw a pair of Jeongguk's underwear towards him. Jeongguk gasped and caught the flying underwear, quickly hiding it in the bundle of clothes in his arms so the other couldn't see them anymore. He didn't understand why he was so bothered. His dorm always looked like this, even when he had other friends over, Jimin even shared this space with him, so what was the issue now?
In just a few minutes the dorm was considerably tidier and you could now see the circular blue rug on the floor in between the two beds. Jeongguk grabbed his bag and placed it on the rug before sitting down crossed legged and taking out the notes from today. Taking the hint, Taehyung sat down on the fluffy rug facing Jeongguk.
"Right so let's get this over with then."


Author's Note

Hi everyone. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!


Hiya lovelies!!  I am uploading the edited versions of the first 5 chapters right now! So if you have already read them then, by all means, you can read the altered versions but there are not too many changes apart from some grammar and spelling and the odd phrases just to make it a touch longer and more coherent. 

Thank you, everyone, for being so patient with me, I was planning on writing this past week but because of school (EPQ the bane of my existence) I was not able to... but~ the Christmas holiday is soon so I promise I will get some new chapters to you guys. 

Thank you all so much, I love you, stay positive!

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