I back away letting the tears fall finally. "I hate you." I say before running away. "SUNMAE! COME BACK!" Jungkook calls after me.
I run faster. I burst through the door that s...
I wake up with my phone blowing up. I grab my phone and see 100 missed calls and messages within the past 20 minutes. One of the messages is from Minsook and the rest are Hyuns. All of the missed calls are from Hyun.
I open up the messages he sent. The very last text he sent was, 'If you don't open your door right now, I'm breaking in!!!' Right after I read it, I heard a crash, which meant one of the windows down stairs were broken. I jump out of bed and sonic speed down the stairs.
When I get down the stairs, I see Hyun coming in my house through the window. "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT FREAKING WINDOW COST?!" I scream. Hyun looks at me- no, glares at me and marches towards me and stops right in front of me.
"Yeah. I know. And I don't give a crap about that. What I DO care about is why the hell I saw another guy leaving your house in the middle of the night!" He shouts back. I look at him with pure fury. "I needed someone to comfort me after you hurt me for the THIRD TIME!!!" I screamed at him. (Oooooooooooo!!! Its about to go down!! XD)
He laughs it off. "Why didn't you just call Minsook?! Huh?!" I chuckle in frustration and hold my forehead which is starting to hurt. "Minsook doesn't need to be bothered with my problems all the time!!!!! She's struggling enough as it is!!!!" I shouted. He scoffs.
"Yeah, Right. Whatever." He says rolling his eyes. Now he pushed me over the edge. "YOU KNOW WHAT, HYUN?! I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU!!! YOU HAVE BEEN ACTING LIKE A COMPLETE AND TOTAL ASSHOLE TO ME!!! AND I WANT TO KNOW WHY!!! HUH?!" I scream.
Hyun just looks down not knowing what to say. "ANSWER ME DAMNIT!!" I say. He looks down guilt taking over him. "I-I....... Don't know....."
I shake my head. "Then if you don't know, I don't know if I want to be in a relationship with you..." I say in a hoarse whisper. Hyun looks up at me with pleading eyes.
"Sunmae, please I'm so sorry... Don't do this please.... I promise it-" "I'm done with your promises. I don't want you coming into my house anymore. And...." I say looking at the promise ring he gave me and taking it off. "... I'm done with your lies...." I say placing the ring in the palm of his hand. ".....Sunmae-"
"Get the hell out. Now, Hyun." I say stern and a small hint of hurt in my voice. Hyun looks me in the eyes, then walks out of the house, getting into his car, and driving away.
I can't believe he would be this cruel and hurt me like this. He never used to be like this. I fix up the window, and clean up the broken glass. As I'm cleaning the broken glass, I cut myself by mistake on a really big piece.
"Crap! Ah! This is gonna take awhile to heal..." I go to the bathroom to fix up my hand. After I fix my hand, I go back to the front room to finish cleaning the mess.
I sweep up the last of the glass and place it in the trash.I go upstairs to my room and grab an outfit to wear for the day. Then I head to the bathroom to take a shower.
Once I get out of the shower, I put on my outfit.
(Pic of out fit)
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After I have my outfit on, I head back downstairs. I sit down on the couch and start playing on my phone. Halfway into my YouTube video, I get a notification from my email. I open up my email and see that its an email from BigHit.
My breathing hitches in my throat. I open up the email and read what it says.
'Dear Sunmae, You have been chosen as the 8th member of the famous K-Pop group, BTS! We are excited to have you joining the team. You will have to pack your belongings today because you will be living in the dorm with them. Please have all of your belongings packed by 8 A.M. sharp tomorrow morning. Make sure you have all hygiene products you may need. Every one is excited to work with you! See you very soon! Sincerely, The BigHit staff and BTS group.
My eyes widen and I start screaming. "OMG OMG OMG!!! I'M APART OF BTS NOW!! AAAAAHAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!" I say jumping up and down. Then I stop jumping. "I have to go pack!!" I yell. Then I rush off to my room starting to pack.
Jungkook's POV
We sent the email to Sunmae. I was internally happy about this. Jimin was so happy he started jumping all around the dorm. "Hyung! Calm down! Your acting like you've met her!" I say chuckling. "Umm... Maybe because I have met her!" Jimin say excited. "WHAT?!" Everyone screams at the same time.
"Yeah! She was the girl that was crying and I had to go help her." Everyone is quiet. To be honest, I'm jealous of Jimin because he got to meet her before I did. "Well, then you can pick her up from her house and bring her here to the dorm, Jimin." Jimin smiles and jumps like a little kid. "Yay!!" Yoongi rolls his eyes. "You seriously got no jams, Jimin."
I laugh. That joke always gets me to laugh. " Ok, now let's get back to the studio. We still have to record three songs." Everyone nods and we walk back to the recording studio.
Sunmae's POV
I can't believe that they wanted me. Me out of millions and millions of A.R.M.Y's. I'm so happy. I look at my phone one more time and cut it off.
I grab the T.V remote and turn on the T.V. As I turned on the channel, My favorite movie series, The Maze Runner, was on. I squeal and sit down to watch it.
After the movie, I take a shower and do my laundry. After I finish, I do the dishes. I look at the time and it's 11:11. Normally, I would've sent Hyun one, but he never deserves it. So I keep my phone off. I head to my room and plop onto it. I place my phone onto the charger, and set an alarm for 6.
I turn off the light and lay back down. As I lay, I think about how my new life will be. I secretly wish it would be amazing. The last thing I think of before I fall asleep is: 'I hope BTS will accept me and be kind to me.' Then I fall unconscious.
Hello! Another chapter! I work on these during school, so that's why I update almost everyday. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a vote and a comment and I will cya later!!