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Authors POV

It's been a month already and the concert is tomorrow. The group decided to have a fun day before the concert. So they decided to use their indoor pool. (Explanation in the authors note at the end)

Sunmae hasn't slept nor eaten anything that month. She was too busy practicing all day everyday. The boys noticed. They just didn't want to say anything so she wouldn't get defensive and close up like a clam.


Let the games begin.

Sunmae's POV

I look at myself in the mirror. I look at the dark circles underneath my eyes. My skin is really pale and I look extremely fragile. I look like a zombie. I sigh and turn on the shower. I jump in the shower and I nearly fall over. I caught myself but something fell after me. It hit my head and made a bang. I yelp in pain. I heard footsteps outside of the door. Then came the soft knocks. "Sunmae...? Are you alright in there...???" Jungkook's voice asks. I sigh.

"Y-Yeah... I'm alright. Something fell on my head and it hurts a lot..." I say touching my head. I move my hand back. I pull my hand back and I see blood. "Damnit...." I curse under my breath. I wash my hair again to get the blood out. The cut burns like hell and I wince a lot, but I push through it. "Are you hurt?? Do I need to get the first aid kit??? Are you bleeding???" I hesitate before I answer. "N-No...." I stutter. I mentally curse myself out for stuttering. I hear an exasperated sigh coming from Jungkook on the other side of the door. "When you come out I'll have the kit out ready for you so I can clean you up. Ok?" I sigh a little knowing it's best not to argue. "Ok..." I say. I hear Jungkook chuckle and leave. I wash and rinse off and step out of the shower, turning it off. I open the bathroom door and see a note on it.

When you get out of the shower, put on your swimsuit. Everyone agreed to go use our indoor pool. I'll be back in about five minutes to patch you up. Cya then!~


I read the note and smile. I go over to my side of the dresser to grab my swimsuit. I walk back into the bathroom and put it on. I put on a leather jacket and a pair of shorts. I didn't zip up my jacket. I walk back out of the bathroom to see Jungkook already waiting for me.

He turns around and he's about to say something but instantly stops when he sees me. I blush a little since Jungkook has no shirt on.

"Umm.... Jungkook?? You ok???" I ask. He awakens out of his trance. "U-uh.. Y-yeah... I brought the first aid kit to fix up your h-head." He stutters out. I nod my head. I go back into the bathroom. He follows behind me and stops. "I need you to sit on the counter so I can clean the cut and bandage it." Jungkook says. I nod and jump on to the counter, sitting down on it. I have my legs closed with my feet swinging slightly. Jungkook walks up to me and looks at my forehead. "Do I have permission to help you?" Jungkook suddenly asks. I nod. "Yeah. Do whatever you need to do." I say. He nods his head. He wraps his arm around my waste and............












... pulled me closer to him. (Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!! I got y'all goooooddd XDDDD) My eyes widen a little at the sudden action. After that he stops. "I-I need you to o-open your legs so I can get a better look...." Jungkook stutters out with a red face. I start to blush massively, but I open my legs just enough for him to get a better view. He steps closer. He's so close I can feel his breath. He then take out the alcohol pads and dabs the gash on my forehead. I don't make a sound or move a muscle, even though it burns like hell.

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