I wake up to my alarm clock. I groan and sit up in bed. I look at the clock. It says 5:30 A.M. I roll my eyes and go back to sleep until 6. Then I get up and start getting ready for the day.Jungkook's POV
I am forced to get up at 5:45. I have to go to the dance practice, which is why I woke up that early. Anyway, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and I all try too squeeze into the small van. We all get in, but its not comfortable.
After a very sleepy, uncomfortable and tense 45 minute ride, we finally make it to BigHit. Im the first person out of the van followed by everyone else.
We head upstairs to the dance studio. Once we get there, Namjoon opens the door and we start off our dance practice.
As we wrap up practice, we take a 1 hour break. During our 1 hour break, we checked the videos for the contest. We had to delete and disqualify hundred of millions of A.R.M.Y's, but they didn't listen.
We ended up with only 15 contestants left. We looked through 14 of them. The last one had the email address kimsunmae18@gmail.com. We look at her dance, and personally I thought she was the best. I couldn't help but notice her ending pose. It was so silly it made me laugh, but at the same time she looked really sexy.
Her laugh and smile are so beautiful, I just want to see them every day and every night. "So, which one was everyone's favorite?" Namjoon asked us. Namjoon called out the numbers and we had to raise our hand.
"Alright, last but not least number 15. Who votes no?" Nobody raises there hand. "And who for yes?" Everyone lifts up there hands. "Ok! We have a winner for this. Now we have to wait for the next 2 videos." Everyone nods there head. I just stay quiet, thinking about that girl in number 15. She looks so beautiful.
"Hello?! Earth to Jungkook?!" Im dragged out of my thoughts by Jimin. "You ok there, bud? You zoned out." I shake my head to come back to reality. "Yeah. Im fine. I was just thinking." I say.
Jimin raises an eyebrow and smirks. "We need to get back to practice. Our hour is up." I say avoiding Jimin's face. Everyone agrees and we head back to the dance studio to practice for the rest of the day.
Sunmae'sPOVI'm on my way to school with Minsook. When we walked past Hyuns house, his car was gone, so that meant he already left. That's good news for me.
As Minsook and I are walking, we walk past BigHit. "Sunmae, your gonna be working for them one day. I know you are. Your the best dancer I've seen my whole life, your singing voice is absolutely stunning. It might even be better than Jimin-" She's caught off by someone.
"Who's voice is better than mine?~" A voice says from behind us. Our eyes widen and we slowly turn around to see the one and only Park Jimin from BTS. Minsook starts screaming, but I just stand there. Not knowing what to say, until Minsook screamed in my ear.
"Ow! What the hell?!" I say annoyed. She laughs. "Sorry, but you zoned out for a moment. You weren't looking at anything. You just stood there like a statue." I smile embarrassed. "Ah. Sorry. I was just-" I stop mid sentence and turn around behind me. I see Hyuns car parked in front of someones house. And then I see him walk out with another girl. I turn back around and face Jimin.
"Im so sorry for my rudeness. I thought I saw something. And Minsook was saying that I might be able to sing better than you. Minsook's words not mine." I say putting my hands up. He laughs. "Well, if that's so then are you participating in the 8th member competition?" I nod my head. "Yep! I sent in the first video yesterday. And Im Kim Sunmae by the way." I say sticking my hand out so he could shake it. His eyes widen and his mouth falls open.

Never Leave Me
Fanfiction"I DON'T LOVE YOU. JUST DO EVERYONE A FAVOR AND DISAPPEAR!!" he yelled. I back away letting the tears fall finally. "I hate you." I say before running away. "SUNMAE! COME BACK!" Jungkook calls after me. I run faster. I burst through the door that s...