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Jungkooks POV

After we come back from the dorms and taking showers, we rush back to to the hospital. I'm the first one there to the room, seeing Sunmae and Sunhae talk and laugh. Its good to see her smiling again. That's when Sunmae gets out of the bed and hugs me. I'm shocked to see that she's walking. "Sunmae..! How are you....-" She cuts me off.

"The doctor said that my ribs and arm were broken, not my legs, you pabo!~" Sunmae giggles. I chuckle at her cuteness. Then I look at her hair color. It's changed. "Sunmae, what did you do to your hair??" I asked. She looks up at me and smiles. "I dyed it to a Lavender while you guys were at the dorms. Sunhae also bought me some new clothes." She says excitedly. I smile and kiss her forehead. "I'm so glad to hear that." I say softly.

She smiles and giggles. The others walk in and smile, seeing Sunmae walking around. "PRINCESS!~ HOW ARE YOU?~" Jin say hugging her. I pull her away and make a hissing noise. I pull her into my chest and back away. "Jungkook! Don't be selfish! We want to see her too!" Namjoon states. I glare. "Well. Today is my day. So HA!"

"Actually, I was planning on spending the next couple of days with my sister. We have a lot to catch up on." Sunmae says. I blush embarrassed. "Boom! You were just hit with the sister move!" Yoongi calls out. Sunmae threw a book and it somehow managed to hit Yoongi square in the face without hitting anyone else.

"Hey! No one roasts my bunny but me!" Sunmae says. Her cheeks turned red and puffed out when she got mad. She looks absolutely adorable. Then I got confused. "I'm.. Flattered?" I say. She rolls her eyes. "You Pabo! Don't look so surprised! Aish!" Sunmae exclaims. Sunhae is sitting in the chair laughing her butt off.
"Sunmae? It's almost time for us to go." Luna says checking her phone. Navy nods and starts to push everyone out.

"Hey! Where are you goin-" "I NEED TO CHANGE!! I'LL SEE YOU WHEN I GET BACK!!" Sunmae kissed my lips quickly and closes the door. I look at the door dumbfounded. I sigh and turn back towards the others, looking like a sad love sick puppy. "Awww... Kookie lonely~" Taehyung teases. I look down. " Shut up Tae.." I blush. Jimin chuckles and slaps my back. "Yeah, dude. Your whipped."


Sunmae's POV

I put on one of my outfits Sunhae bought me from the mall. It's cute, stylish, and just my cup of tea.

After Sunhae helps me put on my out fit, she did my hair, since I couldn't because of my broken arm

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After Sunhae helps me put on my out fit, she did my hair, since I couldn't because of my broken arm. I sit down in front of her as she does my hair. "Soo... Sunmae. Who did you live with when mom and dad.. you know...?" I smile slightly. "I lived with my best friend, Minsook. Then when I was old enough to move out, That's what I did. I moved out at the age of 17 to my now, shot up and torn to pieces, home. Then I moved in with the boys since I was the eighth member in the group." Sunhae nods in understanding.

"Our lives would make a really good tv the show or movie one day. Don't you think?" I chuckle. "Actually, yeah. It really would." We look at each other and burst out laughing. I keep my head still so Sunhae could finish my hair. I look towards the door and see shadows moving around outside. I also here small whispers to. "Alrighty. Your all done. Let's take a selfie together." I nod and smile. "Hold on one second. I'll get someone to take the photo." I whisper pointing towards the door, tiptoeing towards it. She smirks and nods understanding. I grab the door handle and yank it open, making all seven of the boys fall on top of each other.

"Haven't you heard that spying on people is rude? Didn't your eommas teach you manners as a child?" I say in a scolding manor. Jin jumps up. "Yah! Show respect to your elders! I'm older than you but a few years!" I roll my eyes. "Then use your manors!" "Can everyone please get off of me...? I can't feel my body...!" Jimin says muffled under five other boys. Everyone gets up and helps Jimin up. Jungkook walks over to me and stares. "Woah.. you look amazing.." I blush. "No I don't..." Then they turn me around towards the mirror so I can look at myself.

(The hair do)

I look at myself in amazement

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I look at myself in amazement. "Woah.. Sunhae are you a witch??" I ask. Every one laughs at my confused face. "What's so funny? I'm being so serious right now." Sunhae rolls her eyes playfully. She looks at Taehyung and gives him her phone. "Can you take our picture, TaeTae?" Tae blushes a little and smiles. "Y-Yeah..! Sure thing!" I raise an eyebrow at the two. "Ok. You two are staring at each other for a little to long. Do I need to start kicking people's ass's?" I ask my overprotective sister side comes out.

Tae looks at me in fear and Sunhae rolls her eyes. I glare even harder at the two, then Jungkook kisses me, making me surprised and forgetting what I was mad about. I end up closing my eyes and kiss him back. He pulls away and smirks slightly. "Calm down, jagi~." Jungkook whispers huskily in my ear. I start blushing massively. "Yah! What did you say to my princess?!" Jin says smacking Jungkook upside the head.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. Sunhae was laughing and talking with Taehyung. "Since Sunhae and I can't have our sisters day out, we all may as well head back to the dorms to catch up and for Sunhae to get to know each one of you." I say. Everyone agrees and walks out. Once we all get to the cars, Jungkook pulls me towards his black Chevy Camero. "I want to take you somewhere." He says giving his famous bunny tooth grin. I give him a skeptical smile then I just went with him. He smiled in triumph and sat me in the passengers seat. Then, he jumped in himself and sped off in the opposite direction of the others.


Jungkook stops in the middle of the forest. "We have to walk from here. I'll carry you if you want." I nod and smile. "Pick me, pick me, pick me up!~" (get the pun here? XDD) I sing. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. "Come on, you goofball." He chuckles while picking me up bridal style. I giggle. "I'm still your goofball. Just like your my bunny." I peck his lips affectionately. He blushes and hides his face in my neck. "Awww. My Kookie is being bashful~" I say kissing his cheek. He blushes more. "Stop it...~" He whines.

I smirk and get close to his ear. "Make me~" I whisper, and nip his ear, jumping out of his arms and running away. He stood their for at least thirty seconds in shock, then smirked and ran after me. I giggle and hide somewhere. I hear his footsteps stop where I'm hiding. I'm glad I found on old bridge to hide under. Once I hear his footsteps fade away, I close my eyes and sigh. After I calm down, I open my eyes to see Jungkook in front of me with a smirk. I yell and fall on my back. Before I can get up, Jungkook is on top of me with his knee in between my legs. He pinned me down to the ground. "Gotcha, baby..~" Jungkook says in a husky voice in my ear. His nose trails along my neck, down to my collar bone. My breath hitches and I get shivers. " J-Jungkook.. Lets j-just talk this through.." I say nervously. He chuckles. "You shouldn't have teased me, sweetie~"

"I'm just getting started, baby girl ~".

Hiya! It's been awhile, hasn't it. Well, I have been in school and I've really just got my motivation back. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Only two more chapters T-T. BUT YEAH!! I hope your days are going well. Please leave a vote and a comment. Try to predict how the story will end!!


Word count: 1,409

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