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Sunmae's POV

Seven pairs of worried and tired eyes looked at me. Jimin grabs me by my arms and pulls me into the dorms. He closes the door behind me.

"KIM SUNMAE, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" Jimin yelled. I wince. "First of all, stop yelling. I have a huge headache. Second of all, I went to a friends house." I say in a tired voice. "Why didn't you answer your phone?" I sigh. "For various reasons. Anything else you want to know?" I say. Before Jimin could say anything, I cut him off. "You guys should get ready. We have some work to do today." I say and walk back out of the door.

I stand outside on my phone until they all walk out of the building. I start walking towards the recording studio. "Uh.. Sunmae? Why are you walking? The car is right here." I shake my head. "I know a short cut. Takes less time." Jimin shakes his head. "There is no short cut. Now get in so we can go."

I keep walking. "Cya at the studio. I'll be waiting for you." I ignore any of the protests and walk down the street. I walk past a donut shop and stop. I contemplate whether if I should Go in or not. Eventually, I go in and get 2 dozen donuts. With an iced coffee.


I make it to the recording studio at 8:15. I go up to the front desk and ask when the boys normally arrive. She said at 9 usually. Now I have to wait for 45 minutes.

As I wait, I start to eat the first dozen donuts. I also eat some of the second box of donuts. I leave seven donuts in the box so I could trick the boys into thinking that I saved them a donut a piece. I have to choose certain individuals.

I sit on the bench and wait for the boys patiently. I sip on my iced coffee and play on my phone. As I'm playing on my phone, someone walks up to me and covers my eyes. I take in a deep breathe about to scream, then the person speaks. "Wait! Before you scream, guess who it is first!" I release my breathe and feel my heart shatter more. "H-Hyun......?"


"Hey Babe! How are you feeling after your house incident???" All I can do is look up at him with pain and fury in my eyes. "Fine." He nods and smiles. Hyun cups my cheek and leans in for a kiss. I turn my head. He draws back surprised.

"Sunmae, are you sure your ok??" I back away. "I'm fine. I'm just not kissing your lips since they were on someone elses." I say on the verge of crying. Hyun's eyes widen and he looks down.

"Y-You saw it.....?" He asks. I look at him in disbelief. "What? You expected me not to?" I say. He doesn't answer. I scoff. "Wow..... After three years... You cheat on me.... The only person who knew you existed at first..." I say in disbelief.

"Babe-" I put up my hand. "Don't. Call me 'babe'. You don't deserve to call me that. You don't deserve me. Don't call, text or even talk to me again. We. Are. Done." I say. He looks at me like he was about to cry.

I take the top off my full cup of iced coffee, and pour it on his head. "Go clean your self up for your new girlfriend, babe." Then I throw the cup in his face. He runs to the bathroom to get cleaned up and I use my napkins to clean up the little bit of coffee that was on the floor.

"YOU GO GIRL! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!!" Jin shouts from behind me. I turn around startled and surprised.


"How long were you guys standing there??" Jimin pretends to think. "Since Hyun covered your eyes. So about 30 minutes." I nod my head. "Wow. I never knew you could be that cruel, Sunmae." Taehyung says. Everyone else agreed.

I smile a little. "Just don't get on my bad side. Then you'll never have to deal with my cruelness." I say. They all nod frantically. "Sunmae, is that him walking back towards us?" Jungkook asks. I look to where Jungkook was looking and roll my eyes nodding.

Hyun walks up to me with wet hair and shirt. "Ok. I know your pissed at me, but can you give me- Wait. Who the hell are they??" He asked confused. I glare. "That's only for me to know." I say. "Whatever. Anyways can you please give me another chanse??" He begs.

I laugh. "Tch. Hell no." He jumps for joy. "Yes! Wait- Did you just say no?" He asks finally coming back to reality. "No. I said Hell no. Do we have a problem?" I say raising an eyebrow. "Actually we do." Hyun grabs my arm. "And I would like to address it in a place more private place." His grip on my arm gets tighter.

Jungkook pushes him off of me and stands in front of me in a protective stance. "I think it's time for you to leave, Hyun." Jungkook says in a threatening tone. Hyun glares at Jungkook and then looks at me.

"I'll call you later, Sunmae." I roll my eyes. "You won't get through. Now stay the hell away from me." I say holding my arm and staying behind Jungkook. The rest of the boys stand in a protective circle around me.

Hyun scoffs and walks out of the building. I sigh and hold my arm. Jungkook turns to me. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you??" I nod. "I'm fine..." I say still holding my arm. He grabs my arm softly and looks at it. I wince a little. Jungkook lets my arm go softly and wraps an arm around my waist directing somewhere.


Jungkook takes me to an unused studio. We're the only ones in here, so it's really quiet. Jungkook sits me down an a couch and goes to the fridge to grab an ice pack.

He comes back with the ice pack and places it on my arm gently. I blush a little and watch his careful movements. "Thank you, Jungkook. I really appreciate it." Jungkook smiles and shakes his head. "It was no problem. I hate it when the tall people think they can pick on the short people." He smirks and chuckles.

"I'm not that short!" I say with a little pout. "Your shorter than me. And Jimin by an inch too." He snickers. I glare at him playfully then we burst out into laughter.

Jungkook looks at me and smiles. "This is the first time in a few days I've seen you laugh and smile." I look at him and smile. "Well, I am rooming with a goofball." He laughs. "Very funny. You wanna just hang out right here for awhile? We don't start recording until about 1:30." I smile and nod.

"Yeah. I would like to do that." He smiles and we talk for the rest of the time getting to know each other.

Hello! New chapter! Yayyy! Some cute Jungkook x Sunmae moments ;). Anyways leave a vote and a comment and I'll post the next chapter soon. My Wi-Fi will be off and my phone will be off too. I will be typing I just wont be able to post.


Word count: 1,256

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