iii | tragedy to majesty

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Honestly, thank you guys so much for all the love and support you give me after every chapter! I may not respond to every comment, but trust me, I see them.

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"Let me get this straight—"


"You ordered a security detail for everyone in this home, except your woman?"

I sit on the edge of the couch, wincing as the family doctor shines another light in my eye.  He whispers a few words between us, but I'm not listening.  I tilt my head to the right, giving him a good glimpse of my forming bruises.  A low whistle slips past his lips and I hear him mutter something along the lines of, "What a beauty," as his fingers brush along my cheek.

I'm more focused on Liam and Austin, who stand just a few feet away, arguing.  With his arms folded and his eyebrows connected, Liam's gaze falls on me and the fresh bruises that decorate my face.  I glance away, but not after noticing the guilt that causes his cheeks to redden.

"I forgot," is all he mumbles.

Austin snorts loud enough for all the men lingering around the corners of the room to hear.  His eyes narrow as he uses his hand to motion towards his boss. "How on earth do you forget to assign a security detail to your girl—"

"—Austin!" Liam shouts, causing the entire room to flinch.  Conversations lull as the doctor leans on his heels, glancing over his shoulder, now interested in the altercation.  I lean to my left, silent, as Luciano whirls on the young man.  The veins in his neck become clear as he strains his voice. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I have a lot going on right now!  So, yes!" Liam points to me, "Yes, I forgot my own fucking girlfriend!"

Romano takes a cautious step back.

"—But do not blame me for this." Liam continues, "I made these men respect you, I put your ass in a position of power because I trust you to have my back!  Why the hell do you think Dominic Santiago and I worked so well together?" He makes another advance; this time Austin stands his ground.

"I've made mistakes," Liam rests a hand on his chest, patting himself, "I've forgotten things, but Dominic always made sure to have my back, and I always had his.  If you had noticed that I forgot Faith, then you should've used the power I gave you and covered up my mistake.  Either way, you messed up just as badly as I did." The two bump chests and the room holds its breath.  "Dominic would've never—"

Austin rests a hand on Liam's chest, stopping him from stepping any closer.  Liam glances at the man that dares to touch him.  Clearing his throat, Austin speaks up.

"I am not Dominic Santiago—"

"I know." Luciano grabs the man's wrist and twists, causing a cry to escape Austin's mouth as he crumbles.  "Every time I fucking look at you, I'm reminded of that.  I'm reminded of how much I had to downgrade."

The pain Austin is going through is obvious as his jaw clenches and the rate of his breathing increases.  He's fallen to his knees, his free hand doing everything it can to release Liam's grip.  The entire room winces as Liam twists even more, causing Austin to make another sound of distress.

"Boss," a wary voice comes from behind me.  "Maybe you should...ease up."  Luciano looks up, locking eyes with the person over my shoulder.  "I...mean that with all the respect in the world, by the way."

Potere | Book II ✓Where stories live. Discover now